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Dark Brotherhood help!!


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Can someone please help me.


I joined the brotherhood, made it all the way to "Listener", go to the Mother for my first weekly list, she says someone has prayed and to come closer so she can give the list.


My compass marker turns red to go back to the hideout and talk to Arquen. I get there, she says "I hope I can Help", and the only topics are: Night Mother, Rumors, and Sithis.


Of course non of these topics transfers any list of names to Arquen. She only tells me that once a week I must go visit the Night Mother for a new list.


My compass marker stays green on Arquen. I've also waited a week to see if that made a difference but it didn't.


Can someone please help me?


Thank you,



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well you talk to the night mother she gives you a target then you go talk to Arquen and it automaticly gives you then money you don't have to select an option


but if it don't do that and its glitched somehow im not sure how to fix it unless you have a save before you beat it

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