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Galmar dialogue problems (not reporting in)


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I just started liberation of Hjaalmarch. When I go to speak with Galmar the reporting in option is there, but after he gives me intructions there is only one option "I don't know. I'll have to think about it." Henceforth making it impossible to start the next quest "A False Front." I haven't been able to find any help on any other forums. I've tried all the solutions to the problem when "Reporting in" is missing from the dialogue and have had no results. If anyone knows anything please help me. This has made it unable to finish the quest line. also if anyone knows A Setstage command to skip a false front that would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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  • 4 years later...

I have a similar problem, were I can't start the quest to take over the fort in Hjaalmarch, Fort Snowhawk, because when I go to talk to Galmar I don't have the option to "report in". I've had problems of this sort for a very long time. Here are some of the methods you could fix this:


-- Go to an interior cell, wait 4-5 in-game days

-- Change his race a couple times

-- Unrelenting Force him, then talk

-- Aggro him, pay bounty in Windhelm, then go back and try again

-- Get him on one knee, then after he gets up, talk

-- try the console commands : resetai (with Galmar selected) / completequest CWMission03 (completes "A False Front") / setobjectivecompleted (quest id) (stage) / setstage (quest id) (stage)

-- reload a save prior until it works


If all else fails, try combining these methods like you would with alchemy ingredients. I am still having the issue I stated despite trying all of the above, but it may work for you.

Edited by Grecia300
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Thread necromancy at its finest!


But a lot of the above advice won't work in the worst case:


The worst case is when console command "sqv cw" will show the alias "FieldCO -> Rikke" (it should be always Galmar, if you joined Stormcloaks).


btw. Open Civil War should detect it and mend with an added dialogue line "About this hold campaign..." (which only appears if that bug occurred). The vanilla civil war mission might be still not initialized, though, so going away or reloading and trying to approach the camp again will be still needed to get the "Reporting in" dialogue.

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