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Still getting tree pop-in (dyndolod/ini settings)


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Still struggling a bit with tree pop-in and LOD color. So I ran DynDOLOD with the 3D/ultra tree setting, and works fine. I get very nice, 3D like LODs for the trees (using Enhanced Vanilla Trees mod which has 3D billboards included). I ran DynDOLOD with -3 brightness for the tree LODs.
Skyrimprefs.ini settings:
Still, I get pretty noticeable tree-popin like you can see in the video, and the LODs are still quite a bit brighter than the regular trees (and a bit off-shape, but guess that's normal). Any idea how to improve this? I can re-run DynDOLOD with even less brightness, but I think I've read this only applies to ENB's which I don't use so not sure this will help. I'm using the NAT weather mod.
Video :


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This happens because LODs in Skyrim are basically ONLY textures - simple 2D images. The don't have meshes (model), thats why no matter how HD the LOD textures will be, trees will still pop-in, because the difference between flat 2D image and actual tree model is huge.

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