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Request for a mod to make the Courier's Duster less horrible looki


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I'm really disappointed with the Courier's Duster from Lonesome Road. The lack of sleeves of any kind coupled with the ugly wideness of the lower half makes the duster look like crap. So I'm requesting a mod to make it look more like this:




The duster in that picture looks unimaginably better. It's not super wide at the bottom, has actual sleeves that are separate from the vest, and really just looks... better. Could anyone make this? Although I'm not sure yellow would be my color of choice, it does look really awesome in that picture.

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To make the duster flap in the wind would most likely require a modification of skeleton.nif adding in bones to form a "skirt" around the waist.

I am perfectly willing to add such bones to my Compatability Skeleton for any animation project if you can find an animator willing to animate the garment.

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To make the duster flap in the wind would most likely require a modification of skeleton.nif adding in bones to form a "skirt" around the waist.

I am perfectly willing to add such bones to my Compatability Skeleton for any animation project if you can find an animator willing to animate the garment.


That's a shame :(


Invalidfate did a animated costume/armor, I wonder if he wen't that route or has a practical shortcut ( I am alas too lazy to look).


I'd be nice too to swap out a animated and non animated version depending on what the IsInInterior function returns, that way it would only flutter in the wasteland. It's not a perfect solution, but maybe in conjunction with NV's IsPleasant function it might be workable. Oblivion has a GetWeatherWindSpeed, if that's included with NV it would be perfect. You'd have to use NVSE and it's GetEquippedCurrentHealth to sync the animated and non animated versions of the dusters health through.


Plus you could make it a quest script with a processing delay of 1 sec (and the script itself is really simple), so it's impact on the cpu would be infinitesimal.


But it'd be awesome to have a visual upgrade like this for the duster.

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Just checked it out, it's (the fluttering part) rigged to the torso (BP_TORSO), so he's not moving around extra rigged bones to get the effect. I'm guessing it's a animated nif that's rigged, but as a newbie modeler it's just that....a guess. I have almost 0 knowledge of animated nifs & don't know if they'd be rigged just like a normal mesh or ?? But I do see a NiGeomMorpherController node in nifskope on the fluttering part, so I think that supports my guess.
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To make the duster flap in the wind would most likely require a modification of skeleton.nif adding in bones to form a "skirt" around the waist.

I am perfectly willing to add such bones to my Compatability Skeleton for any animation project if you can find an animator willing to animate the garment.


That's a shame :(


Invalidfate did a animated costume/armor, I wonder if he wen't that route or has a practical shortcut ( I am alas too lazy to look).


I'd be nice too to swap out a animated and non animated version depending on what the IsInInterior function returns, that way it would only flutter in the wasteland. It's not a perfect solution, but maybe in conjunction with NV's IsPleasant function it might be workable. Oblivion has a GetWeatherWindSpeed, if that's included with NV it would be perfect. You'd have to use NVSE and it's GetEquippedCurrentHealth to sync the animated and non animated versions of the dusters health through.


Plus you could make it a quest script with a processing delay of 1 sec (and the script itself is really simple), so it's impact on the cpu would be infinitesimal.


But it'd be awesome to have a visual upgrade like this for the duster.


I think you can use a NiGeomMorphController and animate outfit parts without using a skeleton, similar to say the making a tavern sign that waves in the wind.

Took a look at InvalidFate's Animated Rogue Outfit and that's how it was done for that clothing item... NiGeomMorphController child of a NiTriStrips chunk.


EDIT: Heh, you posted while I was typing, yup NiGeomMorphController is the right option.


EDIT2: You can try http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Morph_Animations_in_Blender as a basic tutorial on morph anims.

Edited by Astymma
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