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mod request: supply and demand


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who the hell is buying 8 billion blueberries? and why sell anything else besides the one thing with the highest profit margin?


can someone make a mod that progressively reduces sell prices for items, the more you sell within the same year? the goal would be to encourage diversification of crops and artisan products.


example: first 100 of the year sells for regular price, then next 300 sells at 75%, then after that 50%. or with some equation like 0.998^x, where x is the number that have been sold previously...


and if it's done via % modifier to the price, it should be made in a way that works with any item name, not just the list of vanilla items. if that presents a significant problem, i guess tracking item type (like fruit) would have a similar effect.


some people might prefer higher sell prices for the first X of each item sold it would serve the same purpose, but then i'd want an option to have a flat % sell price reduction to counteract that. things feel pretty inflated to begin with.


can it be done? i mean worst case, if none of that is possible, surely quests for significant amounts of each crop (like 50 in year 1, 200 in year 2, etc... or something along those lines... maybe even a random selection of those quests each season?) with a flat % sell price reduction overall would accomplish the same thing, and that should be doable...



Edited by terihlon
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