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close thing on TES for your anime Valkyries


have look there might be what you are looking for


I suggested "something like" this one the last time we discussed this, but that wasn't good enough.


What the OP doesn't understand is that those meshes are far beyond the scope of what I can do, and many others who "might" be interested in helping him. And if he can't be satisfied with a nice re-texture that mimics as well as possible that look, then I have better things to do with my time. You know? In any case, I've moved on.



EDIT: It may not have been this OP, but here's the thread where I suggested it, my idea was rejected out of hand so I dropped it and moved on.


yeah i know it is no easy task doing those meshes thats why i said anything will do :biggrin: and you were right it was another poster who rejected your idea.if you still have that re-texture i would like to see it.

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