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Making spell effects on dead bodies


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I'm trying to make a boss fight with three skeletons. Scripting their behaviors won't be hard but I'm trying to make a spell for them to have which will true resurrect a partner. I don't want this to be a reanimate spell but more equivalent to clicking on a body in game and typing "resurrect" into console. I have a few questions:


Do "Script" archetypes for magic effects apply to dead targets?


Do Actor Scripts on dead actors still generate "On Hit(objectreference akagresssor, etc.)" events?


How do I get the magic effect to play the conjuration animation on the body when it hits a dead body? I was trying to start from that point and worry about the rest of the scripting from there.


Is there any way to delete a post if you figured it out?

Edited by bloomingdedalus
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