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Mod insanity


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All things with MOD-eration, right?

I'm not going to put too many fishy sticks in this post then, stomach aches suck.

I've played morrowind for a while, and almost beaten oblivion (then my graphics card died, and i had to replace it with a crappy one), but have never been able to figger out mods. I've looked up many tutorials, tried going step-by-step, but im always stumped. When they mention unzipping, or some such excretion, i cant find it. I.E. unzipping, i cant seem to do that, but i can extract. help! :wallbash:

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Have you checked out the Elder Scrolls forums, under Morrowind Mods? They have a sticky thread at the top with several mod installation instructional links--very good, too, as I recall. The last time I played, I had 210+ going, but I also learned enough from the Construction Set to combine mods, and to do small edits on somebody's house mod I wanted to personalize for my character. If you have the RAM for it, you can combine far more mods than I did! Just make sure they run well, together--and for that, you'd probably want to google TESTool, and Wrye Bash.
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