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Help with porting Arods Alchemy Analyzer and Tomes


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Hi I've never really done any modding and I got basic cleaning knowledge, I'm currently playing sse and started a new playthrough and wanted to use one of my all time favourite Oldrim mods, which is "Arods Alchemy Analyzer and Tomes" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27669?tab=files&file_id=106141


I tried following this guide to port it: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Converting_SLE_mod which was basically 1) install the mod 2) use Cathedral Assets Optimizer to extract the bsa 3) use CK and save the plugin


It just doesn't work, the game won't even start, not sure what to do about it, simply disabling the plugin will make the game run as normal


I will take any kind of suggestion, I appreciate the help, thank you for reading so far, have a nice day!


Edit: I tried looking up the Error Messages that CK gave me and they're all messages that it usually gives


Edit2: got it to work by changing a line of code in xEdit, no idea what I did, if someone wants it I might try to describe what I did

Edited by Shoin2
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