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Hearthfire Trophy Room Mod


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Wondering if there is a Mod out there to add more options to the trophy room in the HF. I've been searching but haven't found one yet and I for one would love to see it, especially with an option to remove and reinstall trophies for when you wanna change things up.
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Done: http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29676

Yet more trophies are to be added with time as well as a lot of other features.

Thanks so much! IT was getting tedious going through the 4 pages of load screen id's, having to rotate and re-scale everything. This is very much appreciated, I just DL'd and will endorse later today when the site will allow. Thanks for all the hard work.

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IT was getting tedious going through the 4 pages of load screen id's, having to rotate and re-scale everything.

I don't get it, what's that about?


I was making my trophy rooms in HF using console commands, going through all the load screen model id's, ex: if I wanted a dragon as a trophy I would find the ref id for LoadScreenBronzeDragon, LoadScreenFrostDragon, etc. then you have to click on the trophy base type placeatme 0010a169, etc. that's for the bronze dragon. The game places a giant dragon sized model at you, you have to click on the dragon, type setscale 0.3 to get is to a manageable size, the game always placed it facing backwards so then you have to rotate it by typing rotate z 2000 or what ever number, 6000 rotates it just over 180 degrees. All this after deleting the original trophy I had there. I was doing all of that for one trophy and with a plugin mod like this the idea is that you will be able to change out your trophies at any time without all the hassle. I wouldn't have minded if you could have replaced the trophies with the original models in vanilla Hearthfire(you decide that a dragon skull might look better there than a troll), but without a delete and replace option you have to resort to the above if you already placed a trophy on a base. This mod will fix that flaw IMO.

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