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Reaper's House CTD


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I'm experiencing a CTD situation anytime I attempt to go near the Reaper's Lair in the Soul Cairne. I attempted to solve the issue via systematically shutting off mods to see what was creating the conflict, but even when I've disabled EVERYTHING except Skyrim.esm and Dawnguard.esm, the game still crashes whenever I go near it. Edited by ShadCroly
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Still in need of support on this.


I did some digging around on my own to see if anyone else had experienced this problem, but no luck; the closest I found was someone experiencing a CTD because they had a mod that edited the Executioner's outfit.


I don't have a mod running that does that, and even if I did, the issue would have been solved when I attempted to fix the issue by first shutting off all my mods.

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Here's my mod list:



Alternate Start - Live Another Life

ApachiiSkyHair v1.5 Full

ApachiiSkyHairMale v1

ASAP - Automatic Perks and More

Axestaff Weapon Pack

Bandolier - Bags and Pouches

Better Magic

Daedric Punishment for Insults Related to Sweetrolls

Disposable Follower - Trusting Begger

Divine Punishment for Mention of Arrows in the Knee

Easy Free cam - screen shot BAT file

Fixed Mannequins - Mesh

Heavy Armory - New Weapons v1.3

High Res Face Maps for Men by Geonox v1.1

High Res Face Maps for Men by Geonox Optional Smooth Maps

High Res Warpaint and Dirt maps by Geonox

Immersive Armors v6

Invisibility Glitch - Eyes Fix v2

KenMOD Lockpick Pro

Lightweight Potions and Poisons

Nicer-Looking Khajiit

No Naked Comments

Nordic Spellweaver Armor

Run For Your Lives

Serana-ish Vampires (eyes only)

Shorter Shout Cooldowns

Skill Interface Re-Texture


Skyrim HD 2k Textures v 1.5 Lite Dungeons

Skyrim HD 2k Textures v 1.5 Lite Landscape

Skyrim HD 2k Textures v 1.5 Lite Misc

Skyrim HD 2k Textures v 1.5 Lite Towns

Smooth Male Body Normal Map - Sundracon meshes

Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers

The Paarthunax Dilemma


UFO Dawnguard

UFO Hearthfire

Unread Books Glow

Vampire Master Set

Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix

When Vampires Attack


Bassem's Hoodless Arcgmage Robes

Blue Archmage Robes

Less Eternal Nocturnal Oath

Realistic Lighting

Helmet Requirement Remover

Voidcraft The Armory - Core

Voidcraft The Armory - Dawnguard

Chopping Block / Wood Fires fix

Shadow Stripping Fix

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Riverside Lodge with Sauna

Multiple Lycanthrope Regifts

Lighter Dragon Loot

Elder Scroll on Back

Vamprie Lord Drain Life Fix

Bassem's Better Deadly Aim perk

Civil War Cleanup

Oblivious Horses

Flan's Eyes for Skyrim v2

Localized Thieves Guild Jobs

Realistic Maps + Roads

Unlimited Bookshelves



And here's a papyrus log of the crash. Dunno if it helps:


Edited by ShadCroly
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Found the answer.


Apparently, it's some kind of bug that happens with "DLC1KeeperSoulSCRIPT.psc", which the papyrus script called attention to at the very bottom of the text. I did a Google search for that .PSC file and found this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/747059-soul-cairn-ctd/


and this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21699


I'm no expert on the guts of how Skyrim functions, but what I do understand is that there's a problem with the Keepers that kicks in both in Skyrim and the Creation Kit whenever you approach the Keeper's towers. This causes the crash but the mod fixes the problem.

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