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Exsisting Audio Files for new NPC Dialogue


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i'am working on a NPC Mod and i want my Khajiit the have the standart Caravan Dialogue Options. How i go about it? I Try to incooperate my NPC in the exsisting 'CaravansTopic1' Dialogue and added him to the response exactly as 'Risaad' my NPC has the same Voice Type but the Dialogue Option won't show up in Game. Than i try to build a new Quest for him, it works with my own recorded dialogue but i want the existing one from the game and can't figuere out how i can access it from this menu.


can anyone give me a hint how i could achieve this? thanks a lot!

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Do you mean you tried adding your character to the conditions on the topic info? That should work, I don’t know what you mean by “exsisting 'CaravansTopic1' Dialogue”, I don’t recognise that topic, which quest is it on and is it player dialogue, scene dialogue, or Misc?



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The Quest is called 'Caravans' and there you will find 'CaravansTopic1' for example, there are the normal dialogues with the Caravan Leaders. I want my NPC to have the same Dialogue Options, so i put him to the Conditions exactly like the original NPC Name. Do i have to do everything else? My NPC itselfe is a Copy of the normal Caravan Merchants, same Factions, everything the same, the Only Faction he doe's not have is the CaravanLeader Faction or how it is called, could it be something related to this?
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Did you add your character as an AND or an OR on the topic info conditions? If you used AND, it will not work. You need to use OR and you need to put your condition before Risaad's. That should work. Edited by Eckss
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