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The picture and the save game are different in Skyrim SE using Vortex 1.2.11.


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I've also had this problem for over a year. Just ignored it mostly. I've done everything everyone else here has tried with no luck.


Since it doesn't happen to everybody (or else everyone would be complaining), it must be something we all share in common. So let's post things that we use that we might think have something to do with it. Find the common factor and narrow it down.


I will start: I'm using Mod Organizer and ENB. Very broad, but maybe someone who isn't using MO2 and ENB also suffers from this? If so, that would rule out 2 big factors.

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  • 6 months later...

Or you could use SSE Engine fixes which is always a good idea (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230?tab=description):



SaveScreenshots (default: true) - Fixes save game screenshots being blank when TAA is disabled.


Well I guess I'm trying this then, opening sse vanilla without clicking on skse to turn off anti aliasing, isnt a choice, I've only just got my game down 1.5.9 and back playable , soon as as I click on the launcher it will update and become unplayable again..

And yes I have the don't update n all those off, but it still updates, so I guess I using this to fix my incorrect image saves !

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Why don't you simply switch Steam client to offline mode? It will never update your game if it is not connected to the Steam servers.

You could also turn off TAA in the ini directly.

But adding SSE Engine Fixes to your LO is IMHO the best choice as it fixes so many more bugs.

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Or you could use SSE Engine fixes which is always a good idea (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230?tab=description):



SaveScreenshots (default: true) - Fixes save game screenshots being blank when TAA is disabled.


Well I guess I'm trying this then, opening sse vanilla without clicking on skse to turn off anti aliasing, isnt a choice, I've only just got my game down 1.5.9 and back playable , soon as as I click on the launcher it will update and become unplayable again..

And yes I have the don't update n all those off, but it still updates, so I guess I using this to fix my incorrect image saves !


For game settings, you don't need to start the game through steam. You can simply use "BethINI" to manage your .ini settings. Using BethINI is generally recommended. It is safe and easy to use. And its presets are much better optimized than Bethesda's settings. E.g. BethINI's "medium" preset looks much better than Bethesda's version and costs less performance.


If you start Steam first and the launch Skyrim with "SKSE64_loader.exe", Steam won't count that as launching the game. This way, you won't get unwanted updates either.

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  • 9 months later...

Bit of a thread drift there; anyone have any solutions to this yet? It is very frustrating especially when testing mods and doing lots of saving and loading.


- Turning TAA off or on does not work

- I do not have any FPS limiters running to my knowledge

- I am using beth.ini


To be clear this is not a problem with black or no pictures with save, it is with delayed or mismatched pictures. It's like the save files have become out of alignment with the list of pictures somehow.

I suspect it has something to do with co-saves and maybe whether Steam is running or not.


Anyone having this problem on GOG version or another non-Steam install?

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  • 3 months later...

I've never run into this problem until I switched from my generic FNIS setup to a new Nemesis based setup with the MCO and assorted 3D combat mods. I highly doubt these additions are what is causing the bug, but they are literally the only new additions I've made.

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