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Skyrim: Heroes Of The North


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Name:Mirabelle Lebonte


Age: 28


Race: Breton


Class:Healer/ Meridia's Crusader


Personality: Mirabelle is generally a good-hearted, outgoing woman. She shows congeniality between most people but is less lenient towards people who lack good nature or dabble in necromancy. To her, necromancy and the undead are an abomination and she longs for them to be utterly destroyed. At her worst she is sassy, overconfident and cocky. She believes she can accomplish anything and is often happy and bubbly, no matter what the situation is, she is very determined, slightly stubborn. As a child she was prone to go into short bursts of rage, now she is older it happens very rarely, only going into rage when seriously provoked.


Details: She is 5"2 and has an ideal weight of 52kg. She has mid-length, tousled, ginger hair usually in a side or centre parting. She has a oblong/oval face structure and slight wrinkles around her eyes. An average size nose, small pearlique lips and high cheekbones. She has large, leaf green, expressive eyes and fairly long eyelashes. Her eyebrows are slightly elven, they are quite thin and slightly angled. She doesn't tend to wear make-up but sometimes wears red lipstick.


Armor: Mirabelle is not a fan of heavy armour, seeing it as ugly and cumbersome ,she favours light armour and robes.She often wears ivory coloured robes/simple dresses embellished with golden trimming. She wears an exquisitely crafted Mithril Armour enchanted to make her destruction and restoration spells more powerful. When she wants to protect herself she puts on Auroran shoulder pads. (medium armour)


Weapons: Often relies on restoration and destruction magic. She was granted the Dawnbreaker but really only uses it to deliver finishing blows or when her magicka is low. The Dawnbreaker was sharpened, shined and improved by an Orc friend (exquisite).


Equipment:She possesses an assortment of potions, mainly healing potions, a scroll of Guardian Circle and a copy of An Explorers Guide to Skyrim


Spells Known: Flames, Fire rune, Firebolt, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Healing, Heal Other, Healing Hands, Steadfast Ward, Sun Fire, Close Wounds, Turn Undead, Repel Undead, Turn Greater Undead, Bane of the Undead, Guardian Circle, Detect Life, Oakflesh.


Background: Born into a wealthy family of Daggerfall, her mother had a high religious standing, acting as high priestess of Arkay, performing funeral ceremonies for some of the most important people in Daggerfall. Her father was an owner of a successful farm, he supplied leather to the Imperial Legion, generating huge amounts of profit, mainly because of the paltry amount his workers were paid. She grew up with her older brother (Colbert) and three sisters (Adrienne, Anna and Francis). As Mirabelle became older she became more confident and adventurous. One day, whilst walking in the forest she fell over and grazed her knee. Her mother offered her help but she refused and healed it herself. Her mother was amazed, amazed that a 10 year old girl would be able to heal herself completely. Her mother saw something in her, perhaps she was blessed, maybe it was just genetic. From that day on her mother trained her as much as she could, her mother was clearly a master and Mirabelle was clearly a fast learner. Mirabelle also learned of the undead and found it disgusting, her mother lectured her about necromancy for many days and Mirabelle listened, it was just about the worst thing she'd heard in her life. Years later, at the age of 21, the family moved away from High Rock to Cyrodil. Her mother became the primate of Arkay and they purchased a beautiful home called Riverside. Her Brother was the first to leave, with the money his father granted him he bought the Imperial Bridge inn. Her two other sister quickly followed, one of them moving to Skingrad to live with her fiancee and one of them went off travelling inns and writing books. Mirabelle felt lonely in Cheydinhal and the Chapel life was really starting to bore her. While she was interested in restoration and magic in general, the tedious life of a chapel healer was not meant for her. One day she discovered the shrine of Meridia, where she was called upon to purify her temple . She followed her demand and so Meridia gave Mirabelle her relic, the dawnbreaker. With it, she vanquished many undead, sharing the same hatred as Meridia. A hatred for corruption and false life. Mirabelle believes Meridia to be unlike any other daedra princes and simply see's her as miss-judged, possibly even . Afterwards, she met Marcurio, who at first seemed rather feisty but became nicer and friendlier once they got to know eachother, his go-getting attitude seemed to just fade away. Consequently, they fell in love with each other while exploring the wonders of Skyrim. All of her family came to attend her wedding and again, her sisters mocked her for her wedding-like attire.They now reside in the temple of Meridia, Kilkreah ruins, which has been newly refurbished to her tastes. The couple live in luxury, never having to pay taxes. Although she is strictly a daedra worshiper she tells very few people and insists that all of her actions are for the greater good.

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Interesting, I recommend you cut back on the spell-list. Too many spells and they get to be very powerful. In the actual Lore, most mages spend many years perfecting the use of a spell like Flames and Firebolt. So having That many destruction spells wouldn't make a lot of sense. Cut a few of them back to a more practical use like Flames, Firebolt, Frostbite, Lightning Bolt, Fire Rune, Chain Lightning. That way you have a good mix of spells when you need them. Other then that, Approved.

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Introducing the younger sister :happy: (my third and final character)


Name: Anna Lébonte

Age: 26

Class: Champion of Hermaeus Mora/ Author


Race: Breton

Description: Anna has delicate features and a heart shaped face, her eyes

are large, expressive, and are framed by long, curled lashes, her nose is
pixie-like and of an average length. One feature that really distinguishes Anna
are her very large lips, they are wide and plump, and positioned in a permanent
pout. She does not mind them herself, but others often find themselves looking
at them rather than into her eyes.






Details: 5ft7 inches tall, weighing an ideal, perhaps ever so slightly below
average weight. Anna’s eyes are a brown, with rings of green around her iris,
and lighter brown flecks in her eyes. She wears neutral tones of makeup, giving
her a healthy, natural look, and enhancing her eyes with dark flicks.

Clothing/Armour: Anna wears a deep, black-green corset outfit, that

consists of a green bodice, with long braced sleeves, and a black fur shoulder
trim, attatched to a heavy velvet cloak. It has an over-skirt on it that
descends to a long train at the back, and conceals her legs from the front
(aside from a large slit down the middle to allow her easy movement). She wears
leather trousers beneath her fine-quality boots, that feature a moderate heel,
they are black, the toe is capped in solid gold, as is the heel itself. The
fabric bears intricate embroideries of strange, swirling patters and aquatic
symbols. She wears a dark-emerald choker, bearing the symbol of Mora dangling
off of it, her earrings are in the shape of elder scrolls.

Weapon: A unique wooden staff carved with intricate tentacle-like shapesthat worm their way up to the top. The head of the staff is like that of a sharks mouth, and when in battle,poisonous streams can be fired from it in. A large singular tentacle, that retracts from the inside of the staff, can also be used like a grapple, whipped out from the staff.

Known spells: Thunderbolt, Poison rune, Poison bloom, Tentacle explosion, Fireball, Ebonyflesh, Steadfast ward, Fast heal, Heal other, Telekenesis, Summon Dremora, Ice spike.

Equipment: A black book, her makeup, healing potions, ink and quill, her journal and notes.

Personality: Anna is an incredible writer and has a vivid imagination, but much prefers to write factual accounts, she is intelligent and very knowledgeable about a wide area of subjects, in particular magic, she is, like her sisters, quick to anger, but slow to provoke into a rage. When it erupts, she is violent and volatile. Anna is a usually happy, cheerful woman, enjoying the gifts she has been given, like much of her kind she is cocky and snobby,however holds no problems with being in contact with those considered "Common." She possesses a sharp wit and a quick tongue, when approached she is most often of a cool demeanour. Anna has no great hatred for the Undead, but their practices are something she tends to avoid, preferring the events and powers of the living. She is a devout follower of her Daedric lord, drawn to his sphere in her hunt for knowledge. She is no where near as bubbly as her sister, but is nonetheless has a good sense of humour.

History: Anna was born on her family’s estate in Daggerfall, Highrock. Her mother was a high-ranking cleric, the High Priestess of Arkay, and her Father an incredibly wealthy farm owner, who sold leather and other goods to the Imperial legion. Anna grew up with her older brother and sisters, Mirabelle, Francis and Adrienne. Second eldest, she grew up mainly with Mirabelle, And was always second favourite. Anna was rebellious, highly strung, and a spoilt brat. She and her sisters never saw a lot of each other due to a choice Anna made, to study full-time in an arcane college, and turn her life around. She visited home every so often, but drifted her own way as she got into her 20’s, already a follower of Hermaeus Mora, who granted her the knowledge and inspiration for her many books.

She performed many deeds for the Lord of Fate, obtaining information and

secrets previously kept from the Lord of Apocrypha, eventually becoming one of
his Mortal Champions. The power and knowledge he granted her shaped her into
what she is today. Like her sister, she believes her god to be greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted, seeing not the evil.

Anna attended the wedding of her Sister Mirabelle and her Husband Marcurio, initially disliking the Imperial, believing Mirabelle to have found a poor choice. She is currently roaming Skyrim as she writes a book called “Nords: A Truth! By Anna Lebonté” One of many in her series of best-selling and factual guides about various races and factions in the Provinces, her first work a detailed archive of Breton history, and most recently she released a Lébonte

family history book.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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I am going to be doing a second character (nevermind felix) here is his sheet for your guys approval.



Name: Malus Arveno


Race: Dark Elf


Class: Ashlander/Bounty Hunter


Description: He is tall and lithe from many years surviving in the great Ash Wastes of Morrowind. His face is heavily scarred from countless years fighting the Ash-Bandits that roam there, preying on villagers. He has the Morag Tong Hand tattooed on his forehead from his years as an Assassin.


Personality: Cold and Calculating, he cared little for anyone other then his next hunt. He hunts down the many bandits of Skyrim for gold and sells his services as a mercenary to the highest bidder. Caring not for what faction or person he works for so long as they pay, he lives by three codes, "No Women and Children, Payment Up Front and Everybody Pays" Crossing him is a declaration of war in his book and he will go to any lengths to see that revenge is served.


Armor: Light Chitin Armor (Morag Tong Variant), Various bandoliers of throwing knives and pouches across his chest and belt.


Weapons: Twin Daggers at his hip, an Ashlander Arm-Crossbow strapped to his right arm. He also carried a magical telescoping staff and a variety of throwing weapons.


Equipment: Healing potions, survival gear (camping gear, cooking tools and hunting tools) Manacles for prisoners and a large rucksack for bounty identifiers (Heads, Fingers Etc)


Companion: Talyn, a hawk. Trained since it was a hatchling to hunt and track from the sky. Acting as his pet and companion.


History: Malus was born in Morrowind, he was raised in a group of Ashlander's that roamed the great Ash Wastes until he was ten years old. It was then that his skooma addicted parents bartered him to a slaver for 150 gold coins and he became a slave. At first he worked hard labour until he was old enough to fight in the arenas that dotted the Ash Wastes, the remnants of upper Morrowind after the eruption of Red Mountain. It was in the arena that he found himself, the Blood-Pits honed his body and mind into that of a keen warrior and survivor. After he won his freedom he was approached by the Morag Tong, they offered him a place amongst them and he took it willingly. The Morag Tong turned him from brutal pit-warrior and survivor to the deadly assassin that he eventually became. When the Morag Tong fell he departed Morrowind forever, travelling as a refugee to Windhelm. There he resided in the Grey Quarter, working oddjobs until he was approached by a stout and quick-witted Wood Elf that recognized him from his arena days. The Wood Elf offered him a job as a Bounty Hunter, seeing it as a way to use his skills and make money he took to the trade. After ten years he became the most well-known and sought after bounty hunter in Skyrim, perhaps Tamriel.

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