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Skyrim: Heroes Of The North


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How much "power" a char. has. Is it like in the game? A steel sword is better than a iron sword and so forth?


I tend to think realistically, I like to think that Eykthain relies on his skills rather than "fancy" gear. But if its needed I can add some.


Edit: Now I have added some stuff to weapons, equipment and details.

Edited by Niborino9409
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Name: Geralt Vex


Race: Imperial Dhamphir (Half-Vampire)


Description: Tall, muscular build. Glowing vampiric eyes when shifted to Lord Form, pure black otherwise. His hair is a deep white, trait from his half-vampire heritage. His body is covered in tattoos. Their origins are unknown to him.


Armor: Normal clothing that has been armored, designed to appear as normal clothing but provide protection. He has a number of vials filled with various liquids and books for research and spells.


Weapons: Silver rapier and silver dagger, crossbow with silver tipped bolts. His fangs and claws (when in Lord Form) He also possesses a number of tools for the trade, silver tipped bear traps, throwing knives and a spring loaded silver thin-blade attached to his wrist as a secret weapon.


Equipment: Vials filled with potions, namely blood potions to stem his thirst and books with various spells and information hes collected on the dwemer, daedra, vampires and werewolves.


Spells Known: Sun Fire (Only effective against undead and vampires) Vampire's Bane (AoE of Sun Fire) Firebolt, Fire Rune, Healing, Detect Dead/Living, Vampires sight, Vampires Seduction and Embrace The Shadows (Invisibility but can only be used once a day)


Shouts Known: None


Background: Geralt was the product of a vampire raping his mother, he was born with white hair, glowing eyes and fangs. His mother raised him, feeding him with her blood in a bottle. When he was ten his vampiric powers appeared in full when a group of bandits attacked their home in the wilds, he slew the four bandits but not before being able to save his mothers life. He fled into the wilds of skyrim, soon after he was discovered by a roving group of Vigilants, one of them was Geralt Vex, he saw the boy was no normal vampire. He could walk in the daylight, staying his blade and those of his companions he brought the young boy into his care. Geralt trained the young Dhamphir in combat and how to hunt the forces of evil. He took to it well, his natural vampiric powers giving him the edge and forming him into a great hunter. By fifteen years he was given special dispensation by the Vigilants that if he never fed on an unwilling human he was to be granted amnesty as long as he spent his life hunting the forces of evil in Tamriel. He has dedicated himself to avenging the deaths of the Vigilants and he adopted the name of his mentor, his former name lost to all but him and the spirits of the Vigilants.

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The type of weapon more or less, a silver weapon is less effective against a human but near fatal to a vampire or werewolf. And the only thing that can kill a Ghost. But a steel sword is less likely to shatter then a glass sword but a glass sword cuts better. Get my meaning...


What I prefer to do is write a character, then add the tools to make that characters profession. For example, a Nord mercenary would have Banded Iron Armor and a Steel Greatsword with a normal Steel Sword and Steel Shield as backup. He might also have a crossbow or throwing axes.

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The type of weapon more or less, a silver weapon is less effective against a human but near fatal to a vampire or werewolf. And the only thing that can kill a Ghost. But a steel sword is less likely to shatter then a glass sword but a glass sword cuts better. Get my meaning...


What I prefer to do is write a character, then add the tools to make that characters profession. For example, a Nord mercenary would have Banded Iron Armor and a Steel Greatsword with a normal Steel Sword and Steel Shield as backup. He might also have a crossbow or throwing axes.



Think I get what you´re saying. But how can that Nord mercenary carry all that stuff?

Edited by Niborino9409
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Nords in the lore, are about as strong as a professional football player. Orcs are more like body-builders. Khajiit prefer dexterity so they often have a pair of daggers and use trickery and acrobatics. High Elves prefer spells but they either have the Bound Sword spell for melee or a sabre of some kind. The rest are pretty much their namesake. Bretons like spells, dark elves use pretty much anything, wood elves like bows, nords and orcs like two handed weapons, imperials prefer sword and shield etc,
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Do I need to add more stuff or is the things I´ve added enough?


In my first playthroughs Eykthain was a werewolf, but I dislike being one now, so he isn´t one.

Edited by Niborino9409
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