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Skyrim: Heroes Of The North


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I am kinda satisfied as I am now, but would a waraxe be too much? I mean Eykthains isn´t a Nord, so I don´t know where he´d put everything... :unsure:


After thinking it through, I decided to skip the axe.


Then I am done. 8)

Edited by Niborino9409
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Name: Selene Strident


Race: Pure-blooded Vampire (Imperial Ancestry)


Description: Selene has pale white skin, that contrasts with her raven-black hair, her skin is in perfect condition, it is smooth and soft, and has no marks or other flaws. Her nose is delicate, and curved leading to an elegant tip. The sides of her nostrils are ever so slightly upturned. She possesses a square, chiselled jawline, gaunt cheeks, and high cheekbones. Selene’s eyes are well spaced and are of an acorn shape. They are framed by eyebrows that get thinner as they reach their tip, being painfully plucked to a desired shape. Her eyelashes are moderately long.







Details: (Height, Weight, Hair Color) Selene stands at 5ft11 inch’s tall, and weighs around 65lbs, her body is very thin, but consists of well-toned muscles. Her legs make up most of her height, having an inseam of 110cm. Her hair is of the darkest shade of black, and has a red iridescence to it. She is a woman that takes great care in the way she looks, preferring neutral tones around her eyes, and crimson red lipstick.


Armour: When in battle, Selene wears a set of black corseted leather, with ebony armguards and legpads, featuring a black fur trimed collar, and a pair of long-clawed gloves./


When not in combat, she dons a variety of expensive garments, preferring very dark tones. A favourite of hers is an all-leather dress with a tall, sculpted collar and plunging neckline, atop her head she wears a small hat, that has a veil attatched that covers her face.


Weapons: An ebony dagger that she hides down her cleavage.


Equipment: Selene carries a few potions, and political documents around with her.


Spells Known: (If any) A user of the potent Blood-magics imbued by Molag Bal, the Vampire sacrificed other arcane knowledge to use these abilities. Her favourites are drain life, and damage health.




Background: Born a mortal in pre-empire Cyrodiil, Selene was a member of that times aristocracy, from a young age she put vanity and the honing of her mind before all else, becoming a witty, vain, and twisted young woman. She was fascinated immensely by Vampires, and other denizens of the night, and thus gave herself to a cult of Molag Bal, secretly visiting their gatherings.


Among the members of the cult were vampires of the Brethren’s bloodline, who in particular took a shine to the bitter young noble, further seducing her to the lure of darkness, after a few years they convinced her to give herself up to Bal, and taste true immortality. After a degrading and terrible ritual, she rose from death as a daughter of coldharbour, a pure-blooded vampire, her powers were of seduction and blood magic.


As the years went by, she took a dark fascination watching her mortal friends and family die, getting old and decrepit as she stayed young. After the last of her bloodline died, she fled cyrodiil to join with her fellow Brethren. Over the course of many years she ultimately lost her sanity, while serving to make her intellect more superior, she lost all traces of humanity.


After a period of time lost to the history books, Selene re-emerged from a long sleep to find the imperial Empire ruling. Using her skills of intellect, she infiltrated the court of Titus Mede, and became one of his trusted advisors, climbing her way up the political ladder by utilizing any means necessary.


Recently deployed to Skyrim to assist General Tullius and the imperial governance, she co-ordinates things from behind the shadows.

Her secretive position on the council of thirteen has her visiting Markarth in the dead of night.

Ultimately however, her loyalties lie only with herself. If she has to change sided to survive, hide for a hundred years, or change her name, she will do so, having done so many a time in the past.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Don't feel compelled to have combat, I am really good at writing combat and action sequences and I am practicing it for a series of adventure stories I plan on writing in future so I try to write them out in detail. Trouble is I have bad hands, years of beating them to a pulp and other stuff that was done to them has made them hard to move. I write pretty well but I have to admit I am not a homegroup writer so its my writing style.


What you should do is have your first few posts not about combat, add that in later. Mythic and I are experienced RPers so our posts are going to be far more detailed.... so as I said, don't feel compelled to do something you are not comfortable with.

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