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zeph you gotta redact that last post. First off all vampires except Dhamphirs are vulnerable to concentrated sunlight. Even Harkon was, secondly you are out numbered and claiming to be an imperial agent yet you slaughter a soldier off handedly and thirdly you are being way too arrogant. The Order and its hunters are the most direct threat to the brethren. Walking around and willy nilly killing people is Op and its kinda stupid. So correct it please.
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I established in my character sheet that Tenibrus was an entirely different strain of vampire, completely unrelated to those common to tamriel. When well fed Tenibrus need not fear the sun. I'll give you the soldier thing so I'll change that. Tenibrus is also not a member of the Brethren, he enjoys perks from them but has no loyalty towards them, why would he care about what's good for them? On the arrogance: vampires are usually arrogant, thus Tenibrus is as well, isn't Geralt pretty arrogant himself? A holier-than-thou vampire that doesn't stop to ask anyone their motives or discern their plans? And he is pretty OP himself with having literally no weaknesses but thirst.


In short: Tenibrus will no longer kill any guards and the post will be altered accordingly, but as to the sun damage, I will continue to maintain that Tenibrus is not completely obliterated by the sun as he is more akin to Dracula than to a Sanguinare Vampiris and as such, when fully fed, can be in the sun with diminished power rather than crippling weakness.

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Geralt also isn't as strong as most vampires, his strength is that he doesn't loose his powers in sunlight and he can use some of the normal vampiric powers. his weakness is his thirst and to him it is far greater then it is to you. He does not want to feed on innocents and he strives not to do that daily. His weakness is his devotion as well as his strength. And no that cannot happen, I must have missed that in your background but I will tell you this. ALL vampires are weak in sunlight and concentrated sunlight is lethal. Even Geralt is sickened by sunlight, concentrated sunlight does burn him but he has yet to be hit by a sun fire spell. Plus if you did not prove your loyalty to The Brethren entirely, you would not exist with them. You couldn't be overseeing their mines let alone in a position of power... think of it. Would you put power in the hands of someone you couldn't trust?


Dial it back, correct the post or stop posting. And until someone says Geralt is op I keep him the way he is, when more then just one person is saying it I will correct the problem but I will not make him weaker because you think hes op.

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Geralt also isn't as strong as most vampires, his strength is that he doesn't loose his powers in sunlight and he can use some of the normal vampiric powers. his weakness is his thirst and to him it is far greater then it is to you. He does not want to feed on innocents and he strives not to do that daily. His weakness is his devotion as well as his strength. And no that cannot happen, I must have missed that in your background but I will tell you this. ALL vampires are weak in sunlight and concentrated sunlight is lethal. Even Geralt is sickened by sunlight, concentrated sunlight does burn him but he has yet to be hit by a sun fire spell. Plus if you did not prove your loyalty to The Brethren entirely, you would not exist with them. You couldn't be overseeing their mines let alone in a position of power... think of it. Would you put power in the hands of someone you couldn't trust?


Dial it back, correct the post or stop posting. And until someone says Geralt is op I keep him the way he is, when more then just one person is saying it I will correct the problem but I will not make him weaker because you think hes op. Also, Dracula WAS weak to sunlight. It was one of the few things that could kill him. Weakness to sunlight and vampires go hand in hand dude. Learn your literature...

Edited by Macman253
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On Tenibrus's connections to the Brethren: He helped them infiltrate and take Marthal, he has shown himself to be a capable persona and has helped them in the past, that does not mean that he feel he owes them anything. Much like Selene, he works with who is convenient. The Brethren offer him perks, that is also the only reason he works with the Empire: perks. His true loyalties lie only to himself but that does not mean that people don't trust him. As a vampire he is manipulative and a born infiltrator thus it is not unreasonable for him to have gained the trust of any organization without actually being loyal to them. High level spies and double agents in the real world are a prime example of this. His interaction with the Brethren is not unreasonable.


Again on the sun thing: I stated in the character sheet that he is different. It is only when he is well fed that sunlight doesn't obliterate him. I also stated both in the character sheet and in the RP itself that his powers are greatly diminished in the sun but not to the point of him crawling around in agony or being a total push over. You have never mentioned that Geralt can burn if hit with concentrated sun nor that the sun weakens him in any way, if this is the case then I redact my statement of him being too overpowered and you will also note then that Tenibrus is more vulnerable than Geralt in the sun even when fully fed, when he is less well fed sun is quite potent on him. I will alter his cockiness regarding the sun spell as it would be painful but if that spell causes any vampire to just go *poof* regardless of lord or alternate blood line status that sounds real OP unless the caster is virtually useless while prepping the spell and following its use.


Morality I believe should not be considered in strengths and weaknesses when discussing physical form. A character that can destroy the entire world should not be allowed just because he has a horrible weakness for insects and can't bear the thought of accidentally stepping on one. Physical strengths and weaknesses should be balanced with each other and moral weaknesses should be balanced with each other not a hodge-podge allowing for obscene amounts of god-like power at convenient points and minimal moral dilemmas at similarly convenient points.

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Alright, well the Sun Fire Spell was designed to counter powerful vamps so its logical It would toast the weaker ones and severely harm the stronger ones. Yeah but I revealed it mostly in the RP, I don't like giving away all the details of a character its no fun. I create a limit that I do not go past but otherwise I create as I write, why be the same person all the time. Its good for characters to progress. Morality does play a huge part with him, consider it like a phobia. He understands the harm he can inflict on innocents, he sees what vampires do to them all the time. Part of the reason he hunts them, his morality is a great weakness. Because he doesn't feed on 'fresh' blood his powers and strength suffer for it. If he was to drain a person dry then he would be much more powerful but he doesn't do that and it shows


A blooded vampire which is in the 12-15 lvl range can match him equally, anything higher then that he has to be creative for... He knows his skills and he knows his limits. Plus he is still learning new things about himself, there isn't many Dhampir running around you know.

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Hokai, so, if we are at an understanding then: Tenibrus is not going to be an idiot and kill several imperial soldiers in the middle of an imperial fort (that was dumb to begin with), it's still logical that though he has been loyal to the Brethren and the Empire in the past he doesn't feel obligated to remain so. Direct sunlight makes Tenibrus less powerful but not pathetic when he is fully fed (when not well fed he's in big trouble) and concentrated sunlight is always a problem for him (I'll say it will kill him outright if he hasn't fed in a while and will severely weaken/harm him if he's well fed). Geralt does feel slight ill effects from glaring or concentrated sun but nowhere near the extent of full blooded vampires. Geralt also is not as strong/agile/etc as normal vampires do to less blood and feeding on stored blood rather than fresh.


Is all that agreeable (in regards to Tenibrus) and correct (in regards to Geralt)? If so, I have edited my post accordingly for your review. I may need to look over it again to make it more fluid as I kind of just snipped bits out here and there and did a little rewriting rather than completely redo it (which would be the far more fluid option...)

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Vampires are vulnerable to sunlight. Do I need to change the vampire in my post on page 2? The one that is afraid of the dark and works during day? Suppose he were a human before he got turned, if that matters. :( Edited by Niborino9409
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Dial it back, correct the post or stop posting. And until someone says Geralt is op I keep him the way he is, when more then just one person is saying it I will correct the problem but I will not make him weaker because you think hes op.


Please, please, please don't take on that attitude :ohmy:


Both me and Zephyr were involved in a... Lovely Rp known as Legends of Tamriel, where the creator took on an attitude of the same effect. It didn't end well to say the least. Zephyr was pointing out some very valid points, and his posts are very much in keeping with what vampires are all about- Incredible arrogance and narcissism.


But i see you have both worked out the points that were being addressed, so it's all fine.


I'd just really appreciate it if no-one took on the dictator role... When someone points out a flaw in your character, they are doing it to be kind, not out of spite, it's constructive criticism, so should be taken into account.


Also, just to point out, if what you say about Geralt is true, then this line should be changed:

Many vampires had underestimated him, thinking that because they were full-blooded they were more powerful.

Because if you think about it, it is true. Having a Half-Breed being more powerful than a fully blooded, or pure blooded Vampire would in any book, be OP.


And to even both sides:

"I would not test me if I were you. You wouldn't want your superior officers to know that you had fought with one of their favored agents. ", Zeph, you didn't actually mention anywhere that Tenibrus is a high ranking Imperial agent, i had gathered from his sheet that he was a Brethren loyalist, i think if too many titles are added without a due notice, things could get rather out of hand.



Vampires are vulnerable to sunlight. Do I need to change the vampire in my post on page 2? The one that is afraid of the dark and works during day? Suppose he were a human before but got turned, if that matters.


As for that, no i don't think you need to change it. Just because a vampire is a vampire doesn't meant they wished for, or wanted it. Sunlight weakens them, but doesn't kill them outright. It'd make work harder, sure, but well fed and it wouldn't be too difficult.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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As for that, no i don't think you need to change it. Just because a vampire is a vampire doesn't meant they wished for, or wanted it. Sunlight weakens them, but doesn't kill them outright. It'd make work harder, sure, but well fed and it wouldn't be too difficult.


Ok, Thanks! :thumbsup:

Edited by Niborino9409
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