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Skyrim: Heroes Of The North


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In a few posts I mentioned a summons to aid the empire and a little history of helping them but I see your point. It implies that he is much higher ranking than he is. Tenibrus is, if you will, a valued freelancer rather than holding formal rank. I'll edit it a little bit for that to be more clear. He's not a formal imperial spy but he has been called in to help with something or another, harming him would probably agitate whoever summoned him regardless of rank v. rank hooplah. I'll clarify it more though in my posts.
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In a few posts I mentioned a summons to aid the empire and a little history of helping them but I see your point. It implies that he is much higher ranking than he is. Tenibrus is, if you will, a valued freelancer rather than holding formal rank. I'll edit it a little bit for that to be more clear. He's not a formal imperial spy but he has been called in to help with something or another, harming him would probably agitate whoever summoned him regardless of rank v. rank hooplah. I'll clarify it more though in my posts.


Ah, i understand what you mean now :thumbsup:

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That is why Geralt is not as physically powerful as most vampires, I have stated this. But frankly I wasn't saying that I was from some great bloodline that had immunity to sunlight in every form. He could physically match a blooded vampire for strength but what he had was a calm mind. He wasn't arrogant and he knew his limits, what makes him a threat isn't his vampiric powers it is his ability in general. He hunts them, he would have an edge. You don't call yourself a vampire hunter if you don't have an edge. Its because of his half-blood status that he can wield Sun-Fire.


Frankly if we want to go by lore standards, he would be completely immune to the effects of sunlight but because people would see that as OP which it really isn't by lore standards I made it him more akin to vamps. Frankly hes a lot weaker then you think he is. He does indeed have strengths that give him and edge but he also has drastic weaknesses compared to actual Half-Bloods.


About that whole post thing, frankly I was tired... I had a few and wasn't in the mood to deal with crap. That was more stress backlash then actual anger, and I have had too many people create characters and then shroud them in clouds so they can pull s*** out of their asses at the last minute and try to be dominating of everyone near them by having a very very powerful character. Doesn't work that way, not to drop names but *cough* Balduranthology *cough* was notorious for this.

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If anyone´s interested, here is Eykthain´s father Eyrevehn that I nag about and his wife Camilla:




And I sincerely hope that this RP won´t be shut down, I am having a great time! :laugh:


So please, don´t fight. :confused:

Edited by Niborino9409
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That was what I were going for! :biggrin:


Seems like it was a sucess! But personally I feel that almost every Dunmer looks alike. The dude that thinks that he is invisible at Winterhold, he could´ve been Eyrevehn too. :mellow:


Is Selene based on Serana from Dawnguard? I see some similarities...

Edited by Niborino9409
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true, they do look alike, but clearly you have managed to create quite a unique dunmer- All elves unfortunately looked the same on skyrim :facepalm:


I suppose there are similarities, but i created Selene way before Skyrim was even announced, let alone Dawnguard :laugh: I think the main difference between her and Serana, is that Serana is something of a "Good-guy" But Selene is totally absorbed by herself and her dark desires. That, and she isn't a nord :laugh:

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Regarding lore: There really isn't jack-squat on Dhampirs except for the Grey Prince who can't really be considered stock since he has the most obscene bonuses for a birthsign I have ever seen. But he does have some constant fire damage in there that is interesting, it appears to have not been used but may imply some sort of sun damage. See here. We really just don't know much about Dhampirs in ES lore. When you look at other lore it's hard to find consistency other than much less trouble with the sun and some similar powers. Decidedly though Dhampirs usually do not have the same strength as true Vampires. So he's not that weak for a Dhampir, no weaker than TES vampires are compared to most fictional vampires (Dracula could slaughter Harkon's entire little group with ease, let's be real here, hell even the twilight series vampires are stronger than TES vampires but that's a whole other story.) As it stands Geralt is pretty balanced with below-vampire powers, concentrated sunfire weakness and having bright sunlight affecting him to at least a small degree.


On Elves: I think the reason the elves tend to blend together is because they have such angular features that are so different from humans so we're not as used to them. I really like the return to that though, I thought elves looked rather baby-faced in Oblivion and I missed the high cheekbones, proud noses and angular jaw-lines that made elves so distinct in Morrowind (which I've been unable to tear myself from for the last three weeks now). The amount of facial hair on some of the elves also makes it really hard to distinguish them as opposed to the faces themselves, if they were all clean shaven I think it would be much easier to differentiate. I also really like your character there, his armor is quite nice and he fits the image of tough-as-nails war veteran quite nicely.

Edited by Zephyr Kronos
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Serana is a Nord? didn´t know :sweat:


And where have you guys read about Dhampirs and such?


Edit: Googled it, seems it wasn´t as TES related as I´d thought it would be. Either way, interesting to read!


My whole character is breaking the laws of lore. Mixed race children should look like their mothers it seems but I made Eykthain and his relatives without even thinking about lore. He should be a red eyed Imperial if I had followed lore, but that is not how I want him to look, so I decided to don´t give a s*** about it. :down:


But Eireen on the other hand is more lore correct. She´s based on Jordis.

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On Elves: I think the reason the elves tend to blend together is because they have such angular features that are so different from humans so we're not as used to them. I really like the return to that though, I thought elves looked rather baby-faced in Oblivion and I missed the high cheekbones, proud noses and angular jaw-lines that made elves so distinct in Morrowind (which I've been unable to tear myself from for the last three weeks now). The amount of facial hair on some of the elves also makes it really hard to distinguish them as opposed to the faces themselves, if they were all clean shaven I think it would be much easier to differentiate. I also really like your character there, his armor is quite nice and he fits the image of tough-as-nails war veteran quite nicely.


Thanks! He is wearing the same armor as General Tullius btw.

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