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Skyrim: Heroes Of The North


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I loved that armour in-game, but i had to side with the stormcloaks to get it :facepalm:


As for Selene... she's the type who usually doesn't wear the same thing twice. And choosing clothing is rather difficult, as there are no clear signs as to when exactly the games would be set (In our history) I mean, the Legion suggests Roman, The Stormcloaks suggest Viking, and if we take a look at the finery, it is very mixed, some suggesting medieval, and pre-corset clothing, while others do feature said article. Sheogoraths outfit looks like something from the Renaissance, so it's really hard to determine what is Lore friendly outfit wise :facepalm: The Vampires of dawnguard have outfits of an almost Victorian feel, so i beleive that's the kind of hole i'm trying to fill, with mention to her veiled hat in particular:



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The "time period" for the elder scrolls is really confusing indeed. The Empire is definitely Roman with the Nords a more, well, Nordic feel and the Anglo-Saxon period, say around the 10th and 11th centuries. Western Rome didn't fall until 496, with Byzantine Rome falling in 1453 so that's a really broad time period right there. Clothing wise it is definitely a hodge-podge of medieval, renaissance and Victorian (which I suppose is a subdivision of the renaissance, particularly in relation to England). Economically and Gubernatorialy it seems more like the Renaissance than anything else. There's still a shadow of feudalism with Jarls, dukes, counts etc. with most wealth inherited but a chance for some advancement through trade and hard work. Armies are, for the most part, voluntary which is also a little more indicative of Renaissance or Victorian era. Government is a little harder to place as the Empire does vaguely resemble rome in that regard but the amount of power the Elder Council wields versus the power the Emperor wields is not entirely clear. As I said there's a vague resemblance of feudalism but not as developed as in the middle ages. I'd say in terms of time period anything from 3rd century through the 19th century is lore permissible, except cannon for some strange reason. You never see cannons in TES, even though they were used in and around the 11th century.
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What does the wine do? Should I improvise?


And if my recent post is a bit messy, I am trying to portray how it could be when you are under the influence of vampires. Eykthain should be, I mean there´s two of them! :ohdear:

Edited by Niborino9409
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Indeed they could have made it so much easier for us... In Oblivion, everything was very clearly of a medieval/Tudor style, aside from the Imperial guard, but they did reside in a very roman-esque city, afterall. But in Skyrim i was left utterly confused, i like a mix of styles, but it was done in a way that was awfully confusing. The nobility dressed in loose-fitting garments, and the poor are the ones who seemed to wear the corsets, which, is rather contradictory, considering it has been a fetish of the rich and powerful women, and the very height of their fashion, to put their livers up in their heads with constricting corsets, but rather, the noble clothes were Brocade jackets and trousers... which is rather strange.


And i am also surprised cannons have not made an appearance, as if there is such a time lapse, with everything stuck inside, surely cannons would have been invented? I mean, look at what the Dwemer left behind, with such technology it would be easy to create explosive weaponry (I'm thinking of the satchel charges from tribunal)

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The wine itself is nothing special except it has some blood mixed in it as a covert way of vampires feeding. You wouldn't really have any effects from it but if you knew wine really well or the taste of blood exceedingly well etc. you would think something was strange. But other than that, no effects beyond normal alcohol, no real risk of blood born pathogens or the like because the alcohol would sterilize it. So yeah, for all intensive purposes, for a non-vampire non-werewolf it's just wine.
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The wine itself is nothing special except it has some blood mixed in it as a covert way of vampires feeding. You wouldn't really have any effects from it but if you knew wine really well or the taste of blood exceedingly well etc. you would think something was strange. But other than that, no effects beyond normal alcohol, no real risk of blood born pathogens or the like because the alcohol would sterilize it. So yeah, for all intensive purposes, for a non-vampire non-werewolf it's just wine.

I thought you had planned something mean. :whistling:


But you wouldn´t do that, right? :tongue:

Edited by Niborino9409
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No haha, Tenibrus was actually hoping that Eykthain would be too busy to have a drink. It would be quite strange if Tenibrus was caught drinking blood and hard to explain without revealing himself.


@Macman, there are a lot of vampires, quite true haha.

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