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Skyrim: Heroes Of The North


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Name: Felix Le'veau


Race: Breton


Description: Slightly browned skin from years of travel, wears a blindfold over his right eye. His robes are worn from his long travels but they signify his connection to The College.


Details: 5'9" 134 pounds, Brown Hair (keeps it shaved)


Armor: Wears armored College Robes, the robes fortify his destruction and magicka regen rates.


Weapons: Carries a simple shortsword, a knife and his staff.


Equipment: His spellbook, contains all the spells he knows and rituals for summoning and banishing. Vials of health and magicka potions aswell as alchemical ingredients to make various potions as he needs them.


Spells Known: Firebolt, Flames, Fireball, Sun-Fire, Healing, Steadfast Ward, Oakflesh, Summon Fire Atronach, Sparks, Lightning Bolt, Frost Rune, Fire Rune, Turn Undead, Guardian Circle.


Background: Felix's was raised in Cyrodiil, he studied at The Mages Guild and his talent for magics quickly landed him as the youngest battle-mage in their ranks. During the Great War he fought for the empire, his potent skills with destruction aided the fight greatly but they were overpowered. During the war he earned a rank of Captain within the Empire and he often clashed with a Thalmor Commander, that rivalry is what claimed his right eye. After the Aldmeri Dominion's victory he fled north into Skyrim to avoid Thalmor agents looking for revenge on Imperial Battle-Mages. There, secluded in the north he discovered the College Of Winterhold, for thirty years he remained connected to the school. Teaching young mages the arts of being a Battle-Mage. When the Aldmeri Dominion arrived, along with The Empire with a treaty High Marshal Tullius asked him to head up the teaching of the Imperial Battle-Mages. He declined and left the school, he instead began to offer his services as a Wizard For Hire. When magical threats appear most factions turn to him to destroy them. The Empire, Stormcloaks and even The Companions have sought his knowledge at some point in time, either for knowledge of a magical threat or for it to be removed.

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He isn't dead, he is just going to complete his mission and return to The Order to train Sophie to be his apprentice. When that happens ill bring him out into the wider world. So expect posts relating to him just to keep the story going and fill in period gaps.



Oh yeah, heres a pic of Felix.





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Ok, looking forward to see his return and Felix ofc! :happy:


This is not related to anything here at all, but I just noticed the dots under my title. What are those for?




Have not played the Witcher games, but is your Geralt based on the protagonist of the Witcher games?

Edited by Niborino9409
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Name: Sophos Lupus Triarius


Race: Imperial


Description: Sophos stands at 6'. He has short brown hair and light brown eyes. He is of medium build and walks with his head proudly held high. While their is a degree of noble 'supremacy' in his personality, he is generally an alright person.


Armor/Clothing: Mage Robes of Conjuration: Dyed red.

Imperial Light Bracers

Imperial Light Boots

Amulet of Destruction: A gold amulet with a ruby set into it.

Triarii Family Signet Ring: Bearing the emblem of the Triarii family, this exquisite gold ring grants it's wearer increased health, stamina and magicka.


Weapons: StormFang: A sword made of fine steel, enchanted with a potent Shock enchantment.


Equipment: Motor and Pestle


Soul gems


Spells Known: Flames, firebolt, Flame cloak, Frostbite, Frost spike, Sparks, Lightning bolt, Chain lightning, Lightning rune, Conjure Flame antronach, Conjure Frost antronach, Conjure Storm Antronach, Turn undead, Heal wound, Heal other, Fast healing, Stoneflesh, Steadfast Ward.


Shouts Known: N/A


Background: Sophos was born into a great Imperial noble house, the Triarii. The Triarii family is one of the most respected families in the 'empire'. Showing aptitude, and interest, in the arcane from a young age, Sophos grew to be a wizard. His families money kept him supplied with the best teachers and magic equipment available. This, coupled with an abundance of natural talent has led to him becoming acomplished in his chosen schools of magic

At this young age he is quite accomplished in the arts of conjuration and destruction. He has came to skyrim because he wishes to either defeat the dragons or the stormcloaks, believing this will bring great honour and respect to him and to his family.


Triarii, a quick background: A great noble house with it's roots deep in the empire. They have a history of being skilled soldiers and millitary generals. While the majority of it's family members are purely warriors, it is not uncommon for there to be a mage in each generation as well. Very rich and very respected, they are highly dedicated to the empire and their family. Their history is filled with war and bloodshed, they are highly traditional and are extremely proud. They are often high ranked in the imperial military and their word carries weight across the empire.

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