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Skyrim: Heroes Of The North


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Would it be ok to give Eykthain another weapon during the RP? Replacing a current one. I would like to give him a silver weapon if possible.


Preferrably a Glass Sword with silver in it.


Something like this





I am not entirely sure if I´d want to give him one either... :psyduck:


Probably not going to, but I´d like to know if its ok if I were to get that idea.

Edited by Niborino9409
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Nice start Brutii! :D Barging in, not caring about their complaints, yet you still walked out of there, even though Tullius weren´t to be disturbed. Awesome :laugh: Edited by Niborino9409
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@Macman, I think I don't understand your last post. Did Geralt go to Dawnstar, kick some behind, come back and drop off the werewolf heads in Selene's office all before the conversation between Selene and Tenibrus ended? That's crazy fast considering the conversation couldn't have lasted more than a couple hours and Dawnstar is half way across Skyrim (a little more perhaps). Could you clarify the timeline here?
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Ok, edited it. I am bringing back Geralt and this time he is fully fed and at full power. Seeing the devastation wrought on Dawnstar changed him, made him no longer care for humanity but he still sticks to his drive to hunt Vampires and Werewolves and all other forms of evil in Skyrim. He will feed on humans but evil humans, bandits, necromancers etc.
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Eykthains new armor and the sword.

Edited by Niborino9409
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What armor (or armor mod) is in the top picture? It looks real nice. And did you make a plugin to add the fire effect to the sword or is it a mod? I haven't bothered tinkering with the ck much, too busy modding morrowind for personal use.


@MythicDawn Is it alright if we skip the ride to the embassy and just get straight down to it? I'll post accordingly until you respond to this.

Edited by Zephyr Kronos
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Location: Riften at the moment, but probably close to where Eykthain is after some posts.


Name: Eireen Rightain, 18 years old.


Race: Dunmer/Nord


Description: Eireen´s personality is opposite to her father´s. She is happy, positive, social and helpful. She fights better than her father and mother even though she cannot match her father in terms of strength nor her mother in temperament. They trained her in combat since she were only 8. Eykthain on the other hand started his training when he was 17. The difference is that Eireen used wooden swords and Eykthain had to train with the real deal.


Details: Eireen is a Dunmer, but because of her mother being a Nord, she is equal to a female Nord in height. Blonde hair and blue eyes, just like her father. Don´t know how much she weighs, ain´t got a clue. Her skin is the same shade as her fathers but the shape of her head is like her mothers (apart from the elf ears).


Armor: Mail armor with blue cloth wrapped around the torso. Nordic pauldrons + some fur.


Weapons: An Elven waraxe, a elven dagger and a Elven Crossbow with Elven bolts.


Equipment: Torches, healing potions.


Spells Known: a healing spell and a magelight spell. Flames and Sun Fire, Frostbite, Ice Spike and Firebolt


Shouts Known: None


Background: Eireen were also born in Skyrim, during her fathers 32:nd year of life. She is a mixture of her parents, cunning, strong and determined. By nature she is very nice and helpful, her parents are too, but not as much. I do not really have much on her, so I will have to make something up during the RP depending on the situation.


She is not supposed to exactly like she does on the image above. She is supposed to look more like this:






Modding has made her that way but has also made it so that she does not look like that. :wacko: She is not done, I am still tweaking her. I think that something in between those two images would be perfect. I am very close to completing her! :tongue:


The armor she wears in the top picture is the Falkreath Guard armor from a Guard armor replacer mod.

Edited by Niborino9409
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