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Skyrim: Heroes Of The North


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Name: Athelle Direnni


Race: Altmer


Description: Athelle is pale gold compared to his fellow high elves, and possesses and incredibly lean and muscular body, as opposed to the normally frail high elves, he is perfectly proportioned while remaining thin and lithe. His features are softer and more delicate than the average altmer, while he has a well defined jaw, and high cheekbones, his looks are much more elegant than the angular features that are considered normal, often complimented on being "beautiful" rather than handsome. He has softly glowing yellow irises, flecked with orange-gold. He has a couple of small scars on his arms and back, but otherwise has flawless skin, taking a huge amount of care of himself. His hair is very long, reaching his waist, and is usually worn down, in long, waved tresses. He is charming, well spoken, and a born aristocrat, having never done a hard days work in his life, he frowns not upon the use of servants. He uses his charm to manipulate those he can, preferring neither sex over the other, and if he sees an opportunity to advance his own interests, and gain any information that can aid him, he will take it. He has little, if any care at all for the lives of soldiers that die by his hand, but is not dishonourable, he prefers not to kill civilians and unarmed opponents when it is possible. Unlike many of the Thalmor who have over-inflated ego’s, he does not share their supremacist views, while he believes it is time for an Elven-run Empire, he does not believe them to be superior to every other race, he sees each of them for their qualities that shine through, and respects the Nords concepts of honour, having learnt much in his time facing them. He respects the Beast-races lack of dallying, and enjoys the fact they are straight to the point, and are creatures of little words.


Details: (Height, Weight, Hair Color) 6’7” tall, he carries himself with delicacy and elegance, his lean, lithe, and incredibly well toned body is a machine suited to both magical and physical combat, not to mention other extra-curricular activities. His hair is a deep mahogany, shot with large strands of platinum blonde, one in particular at the very front of his hair, giving it a shining iridescence. His fingers are long and deft, tipped with perfectly manicured nails.


Armor: Athelle wears a unique set of fine black leather, It is similar to the Thalmor’s robes, but is far grander, featuring intricate trims of solid gold, and many buckles and buttons, he wears it open to his chest in a V, trimmed in gold, and fastened in place with exquisite buckles, it is tight and shows of all of his physique, featuring golden shoulder pads, knee-caps, and bracers, his boots fine black leather./ When in battle, his suit is Black Ebony-elven, his chestplate moulded to his torso, featuring the Thalmor insignia at the top of his chest, many more intricate elven patterns, all in gold, run down the suit of armour. His helmet is primarily black, but the sculpted wings common on many elven helmets are crafted from gold. On his right hand he wears an assortment of elven rings.


Weapons: An Ebony Greatsword named “Dragon” It is a huge blade of perfectly tempered ebony, embellished with gold.:






Equipment: Ebony throwing knives, healing potions, various poisons, and a copy of the White-Gold concordat (Useful for when arresting Talos worshippers)


Spells Known: (If any) Firebolt, Incineration, Flames, Sparks, Thunderbolt, Ice-spike, Fast-healing, Healing hands, Ebony-skin.



Background: Born in Alinor just before the Thalmor took control of the Summerset Isles, Athelle’s family, the Direnni (or at least, direct descendants of the ancient name), were extremely powerful, wealthy, and respected, meaning he got a life in the highest echelons of Altmer society. His family were as aristocratic as you can get, meaning that he had servants for everything possible. Keen with his mind, and agile with his body, he trained for decades of his youth, focusing on one particular exercise for years at a time, be that building chest muscles, arm muscles, abs, or focusing his time on destruction magic, he did not give up on his pursuits, becoming something of a perfectionist. He slept around a lot with many of the rich girls, earning something of a name for himself in that department, and was chastised time and time again by his parents for such foolishness.


When the Thalmor became the ruling body of the Aldmeri Dominion, and took the Summerset Isles, Athelle was studying at the crystal tower, focusing on destructive and restorative magic’s at the school, when the Thalmor began recruitment into their Justiciars, and army, Athelle was backed by his parents on this decision, believing it would be a sensible move to support the new government. He trained as a Soldier under the new regime, and found he agreed with their ideals of a new empire, soon rising up in ranks due in no small part to his family name.

By the time the Great War was sprung, Athelle was a high-ranking officer in charge of a cadre of Justiciars. He fought across Cyrodiil, and was among the troops present in the invasion of the Imperial city, a move he did not favour whole-heartedly. He did what he could to avoid shedding the blood of innocents, hoping that it would come to an end quickly.


Once the arrangments of the White-gold concordat were completed, Athelle was again among the invasion force of the Thalmor, this time his target Hammerfell. His men suffered heavy losses, and retreated, having learnt their lesson not to underestimate Redguard resolve.


Deployed to Skyrim, Athelle serves under Lord Sirius Valesco as the Commandant of Darkblade initiative, he has a few problems with those Sirius asks him to dispose of, often finding them to be little more than farmers. The pair have come to arguments over it, but little more. Athelle fights Stormcloak patrols when he encounters them, and assists imperials in battle, not as petty or arrogant as he fellows, he believes the best way to win the war is to ally the Empire.

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Hey Nib, i was just reading your last post, and maybe i could suggest something?


You could split all of that up into quite a few more posts, all detailed, rather than simply going to Solitude, then leaving to go to Dawnstar, that kinda messes up time as well, and you could easily make a good few posts out of what you have there, should you elaborate a little :biggrin:


Don't want you to run outta ideas after only 10 pages :happy:

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Feels like I am beginning to run out of ideas. I seem to end up with too much generic dialogue =/

And the text got messed up when I had started on it in Word -_-


But I can see what I come up with.

Edited by Niborino9409
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Take this from me, keep your posts detailed. Don't try and put too much in. A post should be a scene like in a film not half a film in a single post



A post should look more like this,


Jack walks into a bar, the crowd is fairly lively. The bartender eyes him from behind the bar as he cleans a mug, his greyed hair shining in the light. The locals seem not to notice, continuing their conversations and their drinking. He takes in the room, a young couple sits across the bar next to the window eating hamburgers and discussing their next stop on their vacation while and older gentlemen tells war stories to some young soldiers at the bar. Jack smiles and takes a seat at the bar across from the bartender, setting his duffle-bag down next to him.


"I'll take a Miller draft..." He says as he rummages in his pocket for some cash. The bartender quietly pours the drink and slides it to Jacks hand. He nods in thanks and takes a long drink of the foamy beer. Its taste slightly tangy but with a sweet aftertaste. He grabs a handful of the peanuts in a dish next to him and pops them in his mouth as he watched the football game on the television overhead. The Colts and The Seahawks were playing, The Seahawks being his native team, they were winning currently, Jacks heart swelled with pride to see his team doing so well this season.

Edited by Macman253
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