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FNIS installation and instruction request


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I tried to understand something in the video by step about fnis installation, but failed pityfully (english is not my language, I can read it but I've still a bad time with the spoken language).


Is there somewhere a written tutorial about the topic (in english or italian, because that are the only languages I can read)? I need to know how to install it and how to make it work in MO2. The only thing I understood in the video is that the simple action that abilitate bodyslide are not enough.


Thank you for your answers.

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I highly recommend using ModOrganizer 2. It makes modding a breeze.


MO2: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194


then when you have MO2 all you need to do is "mod manager download" under files in FNIS.

After that you'll want to add the executable to MO2. Under the drop down menu on the right,

click edit. then at the top hit the plus with an arrow pointing down "Add from file"

Look for where your FNIS is installed with MO2. I know by default it's in the roaming folder.

The best way to find the path to this folder I found is to go under the left panel in MO2 where

all your mods are listed. Right-click FNIS>Show in explorer. Then go to tools and in the window

copy the address at the top of the folder (Should be something like C:/USERS/[username]/AppData/Local/Mod organizer 2/Skyrim/Mods/FNIS

then copy paste that address into where you add an executable from file I mention eariler. Then run GenerateFNISForUsers.

Run this every time you install or uninstall a mod containing animations.

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