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Have you ever?


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Have you ever thought some of the dialogue in Skyrim is to linear aka set for one Race only "Nord" or lacked depth by only offering you two choices those being yes or no?


Example on my last play through I was a Nord and I Married Jenassa who Obviously is a Dark Elf but when I went to Windlem for a Quest and talked to the Dark Elf Woman who is being harassed by the two Nords She asks if I'm there to harass her as well and you are left with two choices a no or a yes.


I would have put conditionals in the game to allow you to choose more then just yes or no, for instance if like me you are married to a Dark Elf instead of saying I don't Hate Dark Elves the Dialogue choice would be something like "How could I hate Dark Elves My Wife is a Dark Elf" or something to that Affect.

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