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every NPC has black eyes


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Black eyes, googly eyes, no eyes, blindfold over eyes all have the same root cause. More than one mod the affects eyes. Usually these are 'beauty' mods that change appearance of the NPC or character. Check for mods that modify faces, bodies, body textures, hair mods, and of course eye mods. Try disabling all of these type mods to get the original eyes back, then add them back one at a time and test to see which one it is.


If you are not sure, post your mods, in load order here for us to look at.

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I do have a couple cosmetic style mods, I took a pic of my load order ( from the masters down to the end of the cosmetics, since I'm assuming the rest don't matter )

Here it is:




thanks, and yea I figured it had something to do with that because it's happened before because I had beautiful people checked, I unchecked it & my eyes went back to normal, but now I just recently DLed the CM partners anya & yelena ( http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18931 ) Which use their own BP edit master file or whatever to add their own meshes & textures, and the eyes went back to that pitch black. I tried deactivating a bunch of mods like this but nothings worked so far.

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I see several that may make changes in eyes that were not disabled.

Ren_beauty pack

Cute Elf (not sure on this one)

NEC mods (several possibilities there)

Natural Faces

LBM Oblivion Eyes.

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The ren beauty pack is only the hairs.


Nevertheless, hair mods and eye mods share the same space.


Disable *all* hair & eye mods, then try again. If that still doesn't work, you might need to rebuild your archiveinvalidation file, because the game might still be looking for graphics that don't exist.

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