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I use Realistic Lighting w/ Customization on the Dark setting.


I like having to use torches to see...


This system works wonders inside dungeons. But for some odd reason, outside of dungeons my torches are just terrible... they barely light my way, almost making no difference.


Is there any tweak I can do to fix this?



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it's because there's something to light up in a dungeon. the light radius hits the walls and such. out in the open there's nothing much to be lit up. once a bandit jumps out of a bush to rape you he becomes as visible as you'd expect.


you could try doubling the range of the torches light.

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Good point, Jack! But wow..it's so annoying hahah


Rooker, I've just tried that "Torch of Everlasting mob", works great, but even the 2x radius seems too much on dungeons hahah.


I'll have to decide to either be annoyed on the outside or inside of dungeons. hahahahah


Thank you all and happy new year

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