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Immersive and profoundly interesting follower.


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I posted in a thread a few days ago regarding the massive influx of follower mods and the general opinion of them. As I put my thoughts about them down, it occurred to me that most followers are shallow or exist for the sole purpose of conjuring boners. It may just be me, but custom followers with default voices (or awful recording quality using a $5 USB microphone next to a busy road) that are acquired immediately upon installation simply by clicking "Follow me. I need your help" are among the worst, followed immediately by hirelings. The intense lack of substance makes me want to hook a car battery up to my testicles.


Serana fills the void for a time, but once the Dawnguard questline is complete, she becomes as stagnant as the rest. Besides her, the closest I've come to having this want fulfilled is Hoth. He's interesting and has quite a bit of custom dialogue, but in the end, he's just a hireling.


All of this said, I look fondly on the days I poured into Dragon Age: Origins when it first released and the companionship offered by the party members and their overlapping banter. Is it possible to create a mod like this? A follower who not only offers interesting and thought-provoking dialogue of his/her own, but also offers comments, opinions or advice on the current active quest or major persons related to the quest? Even dialogue to or about other present followers? OR MAYBE, a mod with two followers that both keep the player as their company and frequently talk to each other?


And if I were to add my voice to such a project, would it be deemed narcissistic of me to have myself as a follower?

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Aye, when requesting something, don't mock other modders or Bethesda.

You're just getting flamed for that, or in worst case, banned. (Seen that happen)


Anyway, you forgot to mention that you've tried these, or you haven't tried these:










I'd recommend you try these.

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Almost anything is possible, get your self the Creation Kit and a good microphone, and get down to it. Though your frustration is the result of your laziness. The Nexus is a enough modern website, and as such it has a search section featuring proper filtering. But anyways, the mods recommended by Shadowjin might be what you're looking for. Just don't forget that the modders and the community don't work for personnal dishes and fantasms, no-one is getting paid for it, and you shall realize that making these "vanilla-voice-boring-NPCs" and sharing them is already a piece of time given to a community, oh well maybe it's just me, but sounds just like an affair of common sense and respect. Still, a lot of people already had the idea of making more interactive and reactive NPCs with a real depth, but at some point you better have a taste of real-life interactivity, just an opinion though, and by the way, you're posting in the wrong section. Edited by SkoomaBoy
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It is a misconception that I have not tried those mods, simply because I do not mention them. It is also a misconception that I am directly insulting the work of others, which I am also not (I named no names with the terrible microphone quality thing). My issue with Hoth is the lack of significant background due to him being a hireling, otherwise I enjoyed him. Insert long-winded justification and clarification of my post that I shouldn't need and is probably going to get deleted by a moderator anyway. I apologize for having a preference.


I'm also fairly sure this is the appropriate section. I'm neither requesting a mod nor seeking help with a mod. No need to be so abrasive.


I do have the Creation Kit and a pro-audio mic/recording interface/soundproofing/etc, though I have little knowledge of working with the CK. I've been reading up on some tutorials and am slowly building my knowledge, but where others would enjoy the making of, I am more of a supporter/consumer.

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This is not essentially about your preference, but you do understand that your project seems huge, considering the fact mods such as Atvir and Vilja represent such a big amount of work and that their authors already do have long time experience on modding Bethesda's Games. Depends, if you got a lot of time, patience and motivation i'm totally supporting your project and see how it goes. But keep in mind a free contribution remains something you cannot simply reject like a bag of s***, even though it totally sucks balls, you wouldn't tell a child that offers you a terrible drawing that it looks totally awful, would you? You'll take it and put it in the bin after he's gone (lol jking). But well that's fairly the same with modding, it's innocent and generous in some ways, that's the essential of sharing as cheesy as it may sound. More than that, we all have our opinions, i'm not telling everything's perfect about the existing mods that were mentioned, but Vilja and Atvir really do have their own depth already, and have decent interactions with their environment. Atvir brawling with Argonians, Vilja talking with Lydia, this is a fact, though your expectations seem higher, then that's a long way to go. Edited by SkoomaBoy
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Have you tried this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8429 ?


It offers more than 1 extensive NPC and those so-called "super followers" (list in the readme) can reach over 1000 lines of dialogue. Quest and location commentary etc.


What I'm waiting for myself is a romanceable follower that will actually have a more Bioware-style romance going on :3 As in, events will push it forth, some player-initiated talks, some NPC-initiated ones. Some mystery in their past. Erh x) I think Atvir may be it, but I wait till he's fully complete.

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Cicero is totally psycho so it doesn't weird me out when he has nothing interesting to say.




Who's the real psycho in the end? The psycopath, or the guy who lets him live? :P I ask myself this question anytime Cicero and I are having a treesome with the nightmother.

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It is also a misconception that I am directly insulting the work of others, which I am also not (I named no names with the terrible microphone quality thing).


It's actually worse when you casually deride them in bulk rather than name the specific mods that you found lacking, when you say that "most followers [mods] are shallow or exist for the sole purpose of conjuring boners."


I can only imagine that you have not tried your hand at creating your own follow mod (and subsequently, providing support for it and dealing with users who might find your mod 'lacking'). It's more than just recording voice files. No one here is trying to be abrasive, just to impress upon you that in spite of the fact that mods come in varying qualities, it does take a great deal of time and patience to work with a tool like the CK to make follower mods for this game.


Incidentally, this mod is always looking for voice actors. It isn't a 'follower mod' per se, but it does add some NPCs which can be recruited as followers, and those NPCs do have a lot to say and will do a number of things default game followers won't do, like making appropriate (or in some cases, intentionally inappropriate) comments at a game location, to other NPCs, and so on. Little details like that does help to bring followers 'alive.'

Edited by ripple
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