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Immersive mod, a collaboration between mods i know


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I just started the dawnguard quest and while at it, we were returning to castle volkihar just after releasing serana from imprisonment. So there we are under daylight, noticing serana isnt even smoking or burning to death while when im the vampire i instantly die... how can her hood protect her from the sunlight?.. by now you probably know where im going with this,


I want a mod wherein NPC vampires will slowly burn to ash, this will not be hard as you will only need to copy what was done in a mod named Vampiric Thrist where in you gradually start to burn.. smoking first then be on mild flames then when your health is at lowest.. the flames will intensify and you will disintegrate to ashes..


heres a review of the mod:


Although this only applies to the hero, is it possible to apply these for npcs.


another thing, killing vampires is boring.. their body just disapear then ashes replace.. thats super lame..it would be good for this to happen instead,


another link:


Now, this mod is good.. but it is not compatible with mods that alters vampires.. plus.. this only applies to the hero.. meaning.. only vampires that are killed by the dragonborn will burst, vampires who are killed by npcs are just normal killls.. they


it would be better if the 2 modders who created these 2 different mod i presented would collaborate to make their mods one.. or atleast make it compatible with each other....(its not like this is some sort of serious business where in theyd need lawyers).


Please.. i beg,, for the good of skyrim.. and the modding community! show some love :)

Edited by jhncanson
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