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Tell me what to tweak.


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Hi,I have Skyrim over a year,and lately it seems the frame rate drops usually very much.

By alt-tabbing while in game and checking the system resources monitor I found out that it's my CPU that is causing the frame drops and bottleneck.

CPU usage is 100%,RAM never gets more than 70%,and Graphics card usage is like 50%.



What should I tweak to make the game less processor heavy ?

Is it only the shadows,or more things too ?




p.s. My cpu is a dual core AMD Phenom IIx2 555 overclocked to 3.5ghz.

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Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog.


This is updated from time to time so come back later for more.


Be sure to go through the general section before trying to tweak the game - if the problem is in your system no magic tweak in the game is going to make much difference.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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