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Shadowjin's Mod Requests


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Hi, and thanks for checking this thread! :biggrin:


I've tried to search for these mods around the internet, but I haven't been able to find anything suitable.

Also, I didn't feel like putting up ten different threads for these things, as many of these are simply single items.

Nothing too complicated.

I'll tell what I'd hope to see, some reference pictures, and that's it, feel free to point out if you've seen mods which add the things I requested,

and if you doubt that the site where you found is illegal, just PM it to me :biggrin:



1. Peg leg :pirate: No new animations needed, just peg leg. Preferably amputated below the knee so it's easier to make and should look fine, as it doesn't clip or bend.

My link (A bit shorter than this one, but the design is just perfect!)


2. Hellboy's Right Hand of Doom :devil: Doesn't need anything too special on it. Just big, bulky gauntlet for right hand.

Design of the "Hand" is just quite perfect, it'd be easy to add some glowy bits to it, but I'd hope to see just the basig gauntlet for now.

There's one made for Oblivion already, but you can't port it without original author's permission + the quality doesn't look too good. (Could be fixed with new textures, maybe?)

Also, three of four fingers? Which one is easier to make :laugh:

My link

My link

One made for Oblivion


3. Child follower, and so that he/she doesn't use "offensive" strategies. Mainly heals, buffs allies and calms enemies. (No melee combat, if possible)

And able to pick locks! :laugh: I'm using Requiem and just a bit too often I need to pass chests because I don't have the skill to pick them. Maybe couple of different kids for different sorts of things?

Good healer, lockpicker and so on.


4. Wraithguard! big, Bulky gauntlet of Dwemer Origin. I'm not familiar with Morrowind's story, but I am quite sure there's people who would love to get this artifact.

My link


5. Trophy hunting, display parts of killed enemies/monsters/creatures on belt. (wearable accessories)

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