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Lords Mail

Pyromaniac 1000

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I've just become Knight Protector in the Imperial Legion and my first mission from varius vatinius was to find the Lords Mail.

Everybody says to speak to Rufinus Allineus but I've already killed him in another mission. Can anyone tell me where to find the Lords Mail because I'm really stuck HELP! :(

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Actually Rufinius Alleius doesn't help much. He gives you the name of a potential suspect and asks you to enquire at the garrison. They tell you the said suspect had the south east (or west I can't recall) room. If you go in there you find a key but it gives no indication of where the suspect is now.


I seem to recall someone other than Ahnassi mentioning the caves. Sadly I can't recall who - and I may well be wrong!


cmac, you usually know these things!

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