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killmove/enemy death bug


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now this isn't the fault of DoD, but I have nowhere else to try and really put this.


Is anyone having a BUG where enemies DON'T DIE ON TIME WITH KILL MOVEs? (and I don't use any killmove mods)


for ex: I had a case where I kill moved a falmer. then he got back up with no damage done. this repeated 5 more times (at that moment) with the same enemy. Didn't die. changed around weapons and mods etc, still no luck.


other examples: troll is kill moved, lays on ground for 3 to 4 seconds in death animation with health bar still there, then dies.


Overall, is this a killmove bug or just I am having a bug where the game takes a few seconds more to transition an enemy to a 'dead' status after all health eliminated?


oh and these problems are very recent, i.e. since around the latest patch came out


thank you



half hour later edit:


also, I believe I have found the source of the issue. this isnt meant to discredit this mod maker, but SM Essential Kills mod seemed to be throwing off the game a bit. first time having issues with this mod, will continue to test. after I removed it had no more issues. will keep advised. I have informed SM kills mod author

Edited by SdunnyW506
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actually now unfortunately after further testing I came across that this mod doesn't completely end it per se... but maybe the save is now corrupted due to the changes?


in general I have heard that there has been some killmove trouble after the latest Skyrim patch. I did find that all mods aside if I hit my attack key during the killmove it will animate but the enemy will immediately recover. Also vice versa

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