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An Alias question


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I'm working on a mod that expands on one of the vanilla quests so that the player has more options than the quest currently provides and my goal is to not touch the vanilla quest at all. I will expand the quest via my own quest that takes place during that one.


Anyways, the regular quest uses an alias to place a reference of a book inside a container and the alias has a script that updates the quest when the player reads the book. This reference is also very important to my quest and I also want certain things to happen when the player reads the book. Namely, the activation of a character I have disabled until the player finds and reads the book. I know I can have my alias simply place a new book, but I don't want there to be two of them.


So my question is, how do I make the alias in my quest point to the reference placed by the alias in the vanilla quest so that I can make reading it activate my new character?

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I actually decided to do this a different way by making an alias that pointed to the container that the book will be in and make my character enable when the player activates the container. However, this info could still be very useful if someone knows how to do it.
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Is the book itself an alias? It sounds like it is. If so, when setting up the alias in your quest, you can probably choose "External Alias Reference" as the "Fill Type", and then select the vanilla quest and the alias from it that you want from the drop-down menus. Alternatively, you could have a script with the book's alias as a property, and then use ForceAliasRef() to force its reference into an alias in your quest. Edited by DreamKingMods
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