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gunz gunz and more gunz


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i know i only just posted a topic, but another request i want is for a modder to play through fallout 2 and mod all the guns in that into fallout 3


I remember playing through it an occationally i would be in big trouble from a random enemy spawn, and through some fluke i would manage to down the *banned* and nab his weapon, and turn it on his buddies in order to gain an advantage again.


the same ragtag weapons appearing over and over again bore me, but to find two guns almost identical in stats, forcing me to pick between them puts more into the game for me, i dunno if its the same for other players or not.

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I think we have had requests fall along those lines. Many of the weapons can be done and a few are in the works too, but some of them require new animations which we can't add until the SDK comes out and we don't know when that will be.
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I think random model / skin variations of the same weapons would be cool, like 5 different models that act the same but look different. Is that what you're saying?

Don't know how hard that would be to implement though.


I dunno, its like finding the combat Neo shotgun and the HK Caws, and tossing up between the range or the damage.


New skins for them would be nice, sorta like in Farcry, where not all the weapons spawn the same. Sometimes you get wooden stocks on your AK where sometimes its all plastic. It just annoys me that when i fight supermutants, the best gun that seems to spawn on em is a stinking assault rifle thats by far outclassed by the chinese varient.


I dunno whats available at higher levels other then energy weapons and big guns. But to be honest im getting a little tired of my assault rifles n all.


No selection at all!

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