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Custom follower won't follow


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I know just enough about creating a follower to be dangerous...and a nuisance. :(


I made three custom followers using the guide located at http://j-u-i-c-e.hubpages.com/hub/Hot-to-Turn-Your-Skyrim-Character-into-a-Follower#. Two of the three work without a hitch, but one refuses to follow. To be more precise, the "follow me..." dialogue does not appear. I've looked at every variable several times over and the current follower faction is set to -1, etc. Everything, other than the race and skill set, appears to be the same for all three followers, so I'm at a loss to explain why one won't work. Also, and I don't know if it matters, but the one giving me trouble is a High Elf race. I've searched and not found any posts that suggest high elves can't be used for custom followers, but it's the only difference with the other two characters I made.


Thanks for any help.

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I believe that your problem might be caused by NPC's voice type. Try changing it to something else or make your own voices.


I second this. I've been having the same problem making an NPC follower/potential spouse. I chose the 'FemaleNord' voice not realising that just because it's on the 'VoicesMarriageAll' FormList it's not necessarily on the 'VoicesFollowerAll' FormList. I switched to the 'FemaleSultry' voice and I can now recruit her as a follower.

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