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FN M249


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ever heard of drums? the m249 has a strangely deformed one for example with 200 bullets 5.56

just use any animation that puts a clip somewhere or the c.shotgun ani...

and the geck wont solve any animation export and import problems btw... a full sdk would but i doubt we get somin like that



That's not a drum. That's a belt box that holds the belted ammo in place so its not flopping around and getting caught on stuff, or getting twisted up and causing a jam.



SpeedyB64, please, the correct terminology is 'belt' or 'ammo belt', not chain. I know its peevish and I don't mean to nitpick but its a good thing to know.



Fun fact - the term 'chaingun' came about because many vehicle mounted weapons are cycled and operated by a sprocket that is rotated by an electric motor via a chain. First design prototypes actually used chains from Harley-Davidson motorcycles lol.

It has nothing to do with the feed system and most chainguns are actually single-barrel. Such as the 25mm used on the Apache helicopter and Bradley fighting vehicle.

As a vehicle mounted system its very advantageous to cycle the weapon via an electric motor. No gas systems or recoil systems to muck up and if a round is a dud it just spits it out just like a casing. Plus, by varying the speed of the electric motor, you can have on-the-fly variable cyclic rates.

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