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A cool idea for a large yet fun mod


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personaly, i like the legend of Zelda....Aw who am i kidding? I LOVE the legend of zelda, it was my first true Vidoe game related love, i couldn't get enough of it, i played every game and loved each one, but as we all know, they come slow, REAL SLOW...


So i thought "Hey, wouldn't it be cool for a Zelda mod for oblivion?",

so i immediatley put every minute of my time into this mod. But i found it more then 1 man with no skill can handle, so i ask for a little help.


nothing big, no commitments, i just ask for some meshes becuase i can't model a stick.


Wether your a fan or not, any help would be largley appriciated.


the mod is simple, there will be a portal somewhere in cyrodill "Mages guild, perhaps.." the player can either enter it with their Character or make a new one, then a race selector will pop up, and you will then make a character based on a Race from the game.

(Hylia, Korkori, Goron, Zora, Gerodo, Etc.) Depending on your race you will start out in a different location with a different toturial, and maybe even a different main quest (this is nothing big anyway) It will feature a new world space (Hyrule) with a bunch of side quest, creatures, and just plain fun for both fans and Zelda-Newbies,


I can do this all by myself, but i really don't want to. I just ask for someone to offer a little help with modeling, becuase thats one thing i can't do..


The thing i'm asking for is someone to make a Goron & Zora body, no need to texture them, just modeled,

if you don't know what i'm talking about here are a few Pics,


Goron pic 1

Goron pic 2Zora pic 2

Zora pic 2

If someone can make these models that would be much appriciated.

And if anyone is interested and has some spare time there is a little bit more i could use help in.


thanks :thanks: :biggrin:

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This project will take months and months to make!!!


So for that reason i'm afraid I can't help you, but I will tell you that there is an oblivion mod that adds the master sword to Oblivion.


uuuh yeah, sorry

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Well, I would suggest searching "Zelda" (search it in the description part) in the advanced search.



A few results:












I'd also like to suggest using a few elements of these mods and combine them. But remember you have to have permission to use the mod(s) and credit the authors (if you release it that is).

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it wouldn't take months, and if it did, i'd stick with it..


i actually am using some parts of other mods, (yes, i'm getting permission...) to save some time but This mod will actually be pretty simple,


Everything in this mod will be made the easiest, yet best way possible. The hardest parts will be the world spaces and Enemies, and all the enimies are remakes of Vannilia Models, Im Making Tektites out of mud crabs (With new animations), Stalfos out of Skeletons, I Made Lizolfs a Playable race, to Add a Cool Villinous Race, and so on, so Fourth.


This mod can be Done, But like i said, help would be appreciated, I only ask for someone to make a goron or zora body

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Actually a project like this would talk months and months. That's why you don't see very many total conversions out there, they're way too hard to make.


For one, the default Oblivion dialogue wouldn't fit within your world so you'd have to rewrite and voice ALL the dialogue used in your mod.


Secondly, if you want it to even RESEMBLE Hyrule it would take quite a while getting it to look right even using HeightMap. Along side of that there's also the issue of choppy and sharp edged terrain , inaccessible areas that you want people to be able to reach, so on and so forth.


Third, balancing ALL the enemies in the mod. You don't want them all to be so high of level that a fresh character gets destroyed without a chance, but not so weak that a character with all their skills maxed one-shots everything and gets bored.


Then there's the issue of quests. I hate to say it but you can make the flashiest and prettiest and coolest TC out there, have everything else perfect but if there are no quests people are gonna get bored.


My mod, Evanore Island, is very small. Yet, just for the island alone, the flora, dialogue (no voice) and main quest took me all about a month. And not everything I want to add is in it yet, there's still a lot to do.




I'm not saying don't do it. If you want to go for your idea by all means. Just don't sit there thinking you can crank it out in a month or less and have a functioning, relatively bug free mod. If you do, you'll realize how wrong that is and get discourage pretty quick.

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DEFINETLY not less then a month, that would not be enough time, but Months and Months makes me think of maybe years.


Of Course their will be no Voiced Dialoge, there isn't in the game, save a few unusual noises that NPCs make, But how many times do you think i played this game, I'm Playin as we speak, but I know this game front to back, and can search anything i forget.


Zelda's Main quest (And most of it's side quest) involve fighting. Dungeons, Caves, Wells, all sorts of things, Personally, I'm Ready to put it all into this mod,


As for leveled creatures, isn't their a leveled Enemy Thing, They use it in Most of the place around oblivion... Plus, some of the creatures will be Drastically Stronger or weaker than you, thats what makes the game challenging.


And this is awkward to say, but i don't use Heightmap alot, Almost every time i use it CS crashes, and when i do, it's really bad.


And although it should reasemble Hyrule, it shouldn't copy it. Thats the fun part, making the custom tweeks to Hyrule so that its Different and Possibly better. Look at Twilight Princess and OOT, There is a MASSIVE difference, some for better or for worse. It should look unique, but similar to.


But like i said, a little help would be nice, no commitments, just asking for someone to make the Goron & Zora bodys.. Every mod can be glichy, but you have to make the mod first.

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and 1 thing, i think you guys sorta misunderstood..


This is not gonna be a mod were your link and do an exact run-through of the game. (You can, but i peronally wouldn't want to) This mod is to allow you to witness the game through a different view, to play as a heroic race or a villinous race, and it may not even directly make you go through the long, grueling, epic quest.

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