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Access to Vampire Lord and Werewolf


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Let me start off with this: I know that there are a lot of mods that let you be a Werewolf and a Vampire Lord at the same time. That, however, is the problem; most of these mods let you be both simultaneously, giving you access to both powers in either form (casting Vampire Lord spells while a Werewolf, etc.). All I want is a mod that makes it so that when I get Vampire Lord, I don't lose my Lycanthropy. I've got Lycanthropy already, and I'm soon to get access to Vampire Lordness. I want to be able to access Werewolf and Vampire Lord, just not using both at the same time (to reiterate, I want to have the potential for/access to both, but only be using one at a time. I want to be able to switch between, but not hybridize them.). Can someone please help me out? :(
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There's a mod called Hybrid by "niKoula" I'm currently using it. It just allows you to get the Werewolf or vampire Lord form power without losing the other, if that's what you're looking for.

I'll take a look. Thank you! :)


EDIT: Do you mean this?

Edited by Lestroisrois
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  • 4 weeks later...
I use http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29803 as well, along with the better vampires, and the tales of lycopanthy or whatever its called. Just have to pay attention to the load order of the mods to get them all working together and correctly... i had it perfect at one point where as I ate bodys as a wolf it would feed my vampire, but right now i got perk trees for both, and can do both with no conflicting issues at all.
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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Sorry for necroing this Thread :blush: , but I would like to know if it is really possible to use this mod together with the mods "Better Vamps" and "Tales of Lycan" and if it is possible I would like to know 1) where to place it in the load-order and 2) if there will be Problems with it..?

Edited by desertforce
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