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Cell Reset Question

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Hi there!


I am quite new in modding but have already created a couple of settlement mods, which, in general, work fine.


However, I now encountered a problem, which, I belive, is caused by a cell reset.


While, for example, Libertalia Settlement does not reset at all and stays as it has been built, my Settlement at the DB Tech Highschool has a problem.


While all structures around the school bulidngs itself stay untouched, the structures I've build on and directly around the school buling have disappeared completely as I returned after quite some time to this settlement. I've now in the CK set the checkbox of the DBTechHighSchoolZone Location to "Never Resets", however, when I coc to the cell, the structures in and aorund the school building still have disappeared. I assume, this trigger does just relate to NSCs and not the environment, but he cell window for DBTechHighschoolExt has no reset config at all.


Maybe, this quick fix was, if not wrong at all, too late (if the cell reset is not triggered by the coc jump but sometime before), or I have missed some more configuration items in the CK.


Perhaps someone can enlighten me or tell me, where and how I need to adjust in CK to prevent the structures to disappear.


Any help will be highly appreciated!




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If you are 100% sure that the No Reset encounter zone covers all of the workshop buildable area cells, then in my experience the problem is typically something lower in the load order has overwritten the cell/location information. The usual (not always) tell-tale is that the workshop name resolves as "Commonwealth".

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Workshop resolves as DBTec, and the new mod is 4th last in the load order with nothing afterwards which can overwrite.


However, you've pointed me to the solution. I'Ve forgotten to add the DBTechHighschoolExt cell to my settlement location. So this solved the problem: The Encounter Zone DBTechSettlementZone has the "Never reset" flag and points to the Location DBTechSettlementLocation. And the location now includes the DBTechHighschoolExt.


So I cod'ed to the cell, and voilá, everything still there where it should be!


Thank you so much!



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