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Porting Oblivion Resources


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A while ago (I mean back like when the CK first came out, whenever that was) I sent a pm to jbvw about porting the resources from his Oblivion mod 'All New House' or whatever the second name was. I got permission from him and all that jazz, because he is cool like that.


Then I tried to load them up in the CK after unpacking them, and quickly learned that I have no idea what I am doing. But I have the ambition to get it done... just not the talent/knowledge/skill required. But you guys must know how to port the models/textures over, right?


I can't figure out why they don't work, apparently they are either a .nif or a BGS.ArtFile, the later means nothing to me. I can even open them in Nifscope. Dunno if that's good, but it means something, right?


TL;DR-I have no idea what I'm doing, but I have permission to port an Oblivion resource over to Skyrim and have no idea how/what to do so someone should help me figure it out and I'll give them internet-cake. :happy:

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You need Blender 2.49

It is mentioned here: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/article/109-3d-craftworks-from-blender-to-skyrim/

Importing/exporting Nifs to Blender only works with (old) Blender 2.49. Blender 2.5* /2.6* does not (yet) support Nif files.

You may also have a look at these:



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Yes, that seems to have been the problem, I got everything working up to the NifConvert step. When I set everything up, I keep getting various error messages. I *think* I'm not setting the Template and Texture Path parts up incorrectly.


errorconverting by Sean_Titus, on Flickr


And then I get this error message:


Source:  C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\Modding\skyrimtapestry.nif
Template:  C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\Extract\Meshes BSA\meshes\clutter\banners\genericbannerred01.nif
Destination:  C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\Modding\newtapes.nif
Texture:  Textures\clutter
source root is NiNode.
Template has no NiTriShape.
Source:  C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\Modding\skyrimtapestry.nif
Template:  C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\Extract\Meshes BSA\meshes\architecture\farmhouse\farmbannerpost01.nif
Destination:  C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\Modding\newtapes.nif
Texture:  Textures\architecture\farmhouse
source root is NiNode.

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