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More companion options?


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I'm super pleased that Bethseda decided to give a throw back to the other Fallout games and add a companion system to Fallout three, that and one of the most popular types of mods for Oblivion were the companion mods (Perhaps for entirely different reasons though lol)


Anyway, as I was making my way through the under belly of Fort Constantaine, I encountered my first Sentry Bot, and my first though was "Merde! I'd love to own one of those."


Which lead me to thinking, wouldn't it be great if there was a small town/trader in a shack that sold sla-*cough* I mean companion/bodyguards/ghouls/bots?


Ideas? Thoughts? Complaints?

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its been done here


Yeah, The RobCo Certified mod is nice, but doesn't really fill the niche I was looking for. I was hoping to have a mod that would add companions that you could interact with, like real companions. You know, ask to change tatics, or give'em stuff to carry. Stuff like that

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