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Crash whenever I equip my custom helmet

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I'm using one of Phitt's helmets for my mod, and I've made a custom texture for it and all that. As a placeholder for the moment I'm using the biped mesh for both the biped and the world objects, and the world object loads fine when I bring it into a cell in the CS. But when I test it, I take the helmet from a container, and when I try to equip it I crash.


I can't really think of an explanation to this, my only guess is that the mesh is corrupt, but if that was the case, then why does it load in the CS and in NIFskope?


Any insight would be appreciated.

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I'm using one of Phitt's helmets for my mod, and I've made a custom texture for it and all that. As a placeholder for the moment I'm using the bipod mesh for both the bipod and the world objects, and the world object loads fine when I bring it into a cell in the CS. But when I test it, I take the helmet from a container, and when I try to equip it I crash.


I can't really think of an explanation to this, my only guess is that the mesh is corrupt, but if that was the case, then why does it load in the CS and in NIFskope?


Any insight would be appreciated.


Did you forget to make a Normal map?

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No. The normal map was already with the model, and I just used the same one.


Also, I made a copy of the helmet in the CS the same, but this time with a different mesh. This one worked, so it's got to be an issue with the model.



Good you figured it out :thumbsup:

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Well, yeah, but I mean that was pretty obvious in the beginning, I just wanted to make sure of it. But I am still having the same problem.

What do you mean? I thought you said it's working with another mesh, or are you still trying to fix the original one?


How about a screenshot of your CS entry for it? and a link to the original download.

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It does sound a little bizarre, indeed.


Anyway, given what you've told us so far, I think it's best to look up the original model for comparisons.

You mentioned one of Phitt's helmets. I assume this is the reference you used:





I'd like to see all his particular Nifskope references as well if that's possible. I have seen this happen when there is a mis-mapped reference in the mesh.



Lucherenren, I guess I'll be surprised if that's the right one, because he said:


As a placeholder for the moment I'm using the bipod mesh for both the bipod and the world objects, and the world object loads fine when I bring it into a cell in the CS. But when I test it, I take the helmet from a container, and when I try to equip it I crash.


I'm looking at that mod, and it includes all the Ground Helmet models in it. So maybe he's trying to equip a ground mesh which does not have the proper collision to be equipped on the head.


Good lookin' helms.


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Okay. Phitt told me to use the latest version of the helmet, the one in this mod. The one that I'm using is the one on the right in this screen.


Now, in the mod, there are two types of the helmet. HelmetGriffin.nif, which I would naturally assume to be the biped mesh, and HelmetGriffin_gnd.nif, which is supposedly the world object. I am using HelmetGriffin.nif for both the world object and the biped mesh. I've just tried using HelmetGriffin_gnd.nif as the world model. The world model works, but again, when I try to equip it I crash.


You said you wanted to see my NifSkope settings, right? Click here and also here. Would it help if I uploaded the .nif file?


Thanks for the replies. Keep 'em coming!


EDIT: Okay, you don't need to worry about this anymore. I've just edited the steel helmet and I'll use that instead.


Thanks for all of your helpful input, nevertheless. :)

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