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Fallout 3 Choppy Mouse


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Hello, I recently got a new computer so I could play games such as Arma and play Fallout on ultra. When I first got the computer, I had to test it to see if it all worked properly and I tried Fallout 3 to see how well it would run. I could run it maxed out and it worked fine. I then got the computer and Fallout still worked fine. I then started to install all of my games on Steam and on my retail discs that are not for Steam. I installed Fallout 3 from the retail disc as I usually have two separate versions, one on Steam and one not on Steam. Now, neither of my games work properly. The mouse is so choppy that it is practically unplayable. On Fallout, if I click new game, the game runs fine for a few moments then the game freezes. Morrowind is the same on my Steam, except the framerate is so slow, it is unplayable, even in game.

Can someone suggest some fixes please.

My specs are;

AMD FX 4100 Quad Core 4x3,6GHz

Asus Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 Ti

8Gb ram


Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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