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XCOM Mod Request - Stargate


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Hey all,


I'm hoping that some enterprising modder out there wants to make a Stargate mod for this game. I was thinking that it would be perfect for Stargate - I can just imagine those Staff Weapons and Zats blasting away at my intrepid SG Team as I type :).


I don't really have the time or the skills to do the mod myself, but I have put quite a bit of thought into it - I have this (brilliant) idea but I'd need someone to actually make it ;).


Reward Items:

Elerium turns into Naquadah

Power Sources turn into Naquadah Generators

Alien Alloys can be left as alien alloys, turn into Trinnium / Naquadah Alloys, or there could be 2 types.



Replace Elerium Stuff with Naquadah stuff.

Psionic Training can get replaced by Medical Facility.



All nationalities in the Original Game would be applicable, if you think of the nationalities present in the Atlantis expedition.


If possible though, it could be limited until a certain time frame... First Americans only then allow Russians onboard, then Canada/China/France/UK, then eventually everyone.


Air Force:

The Firestorm could be replaced with the X302 eventually. We could even put an X301 there at first.


Alien ships could be replaced by Cargo Ships and Alkesh's.


Solider Classes:

Scientist - The Support Role, depending on Skills selected can go up either a medical or a technical route. Requires training to use Assault Rifles and Zats only. May not use Staff Weapons. Has an innate ability to try and capture enemy tech / drones (like the upgraded Arc Thrower ability).

Archaeologist - Another Support Role. Requires training to use Regular Weapons (Assault Rifles / Zats). Has an innate ability to try and talk an enemy into surrendering (like the arc launcher ability), and may also train as a combat medic.

Assault - The typical soldier class. Can focus on close range weaponry (shotguns etc) or long range (snipers).

Heavy - Can use LMGs, Heavy Staff Weapons etc (the weapons from the wing of a Glider - think Teal'c). This class can specialise in High Damage / Suppression.


Every new recruit starts at the first promotion level, so that you get what class you are given and can start archaeologists and scientists off with Pistols only.





Standard Taser - Instead of the standard Arc Launcher.

In'Tar (those pink bolt stun guns)- Instead of the upgraded Arc Launcher

Goa'uld Healing Device - An upgraded medkit.

Goa'uld Grenade - Massive Aim / Vision Penalties.

Ceramic Mix Armour Plating - Replace the mesh vest.



Standard MP5's

P90s - Accessed by a Foundry Upgrade


Staff Weapons (Ma'Tok)

Sodan Staff Weapons (The Shortened Variety)

Goa'uld Hand Device - can throw enemies backwards / drain life from them at short range.


Note: Troops can use captured enemy weapons straight away (apart from Hand Devices, which need a Medical Upgrade).



Standard SG Armour

Jaffa Armour - Slows you down but stronger

Goa'uld Personal Shield - activate to provide invulnerability for a turn.

Kull Armour - Incredibly tough but poisons the wearer.

Sodan Cloak - Ghost Armour


And that's just for start. The base can be kitted out with a stargate instead of a skyranger. All of the wooded maps can stay for the most part (apart from the downed alien ships would need to be replaced). Also, instead of a skyranger as a drop off point in the maps, we can have a stargate, and a DHD as cover up ahead (the DHD can be the retreat point if necessary).


If there are people out there who have the skills to do this (mainly drudge work modding the text files to make the items and facilities and the like and also lots of graphics / sound work) then that would be absolutely awesome. Here's to hoping!


- Micael

Edited by Micael456
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This is not doable currently, though it is an interesting idea, even if I'm not a fan of stargate myself.
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Such mod requires models, textures, sound. That would take more than a year for dedicated team.


And we haven't found a way, how to work with models yet.

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