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Custom NPCS for Followers and/or Marriage


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Hi everyone. Okay this is asking a lot, but maybe someday it'll happen. :) I was thinking today about how great if would be to find a modder who would be willing to make custom male or female NPCS for us players to have as a follower or a spouse. After marrying and divorcing and just "hanging out" with a lot of followers and other male NPCs, I'm eager for someone who I've sort of chosen myself (or as close to that as I can get) I also would love to have able to have more dialogue with the new guy or guys and have that be custom as well. I might have to just get brave and give the CK a try so that I can make all of this happen myself, but at the moment I'm a wuss and don't know the first thing about it, so I thought I'd put it out there and see what you guys thought.


Thanks as always for your time and your wonderful mods!


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