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Game Breaking Bug: Can't get past the "Wretched Abyss"


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Warning: Minor Spoilers below...



Following the main quest I have taken the Lexicon and brought it to Septimus.


After handing it over the daedric prince's dark aura blocks the exit and if I talk to it he says "Come closer, bask in my presence"

After that the dialogue stops and I am left with a dialogue option: "Hey" with no punctuation.


The Wretched Abyss tried to reply and in a split second I read the response but he fails to deliver the line.

That leaves me with the dialogue option "..." after which he starts looping again with the "Come closer, bask in my presence" and the process starts again.


Only way that I have found to get past this Bug is to kill Septimus, making the Wretched Abyss disappear.


Now I am not interested in cutting of the quest at this stage and want to find the culprit of this Bug.

I have attached a Boss Log with all the mods that I am currently using.


Please help me find what is causing this problem, and/or how to skip this part to continue the quest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! i had this problem too, and when i read you boss log, i see that you have "more_Travelers.esm", and so did i, so i went and diseable it to try and see if it was causing the bug, AND IT WAS!

Thanks to you i found out what was causing the bug! TY!

Just diseable "more_Travelers.esm" and it should work fine!!! :)

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  • 4 months later...

Hey! i had this problem too, and when i read you boss log, i see that you have "more_Travelers.esm", and so did i, so i went and diseable it to try and see if it was causing the bug, AND IT WAS!

Thanks to you i found out what was causing the bug! TY!

Just disable "more_Travelers.esm" and it should work fine!!! :smile:


Thanks, mindricofix! That did the trick. Was ready to point my fingers at 3DNPCs since this was was unspoken dialog ("Just watching the towns. Wanderring arround."). Strange it was MT.


Now, about those slave dealers. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have also encountered this bug. I am at the part where you give the runed lexicon to Septimus and he tells you to collect the blood. When I do that part, I go up the ramp to leave, and Hermaeus Mora is there (Wretched Abyss) and I press E and it won't talk to him. I have uninstalled all my mods and tried it, and have gone back 10+ hours of saves and tried going through again, and it still does not work. Any tips?

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  • 7 months later...

I have also encountered this bug. I am at the part where you give the runed lexicon to Septimus and he tells you to collect the blood. When I do that part, I go up the ramp to leave, and Hermaeus Mora is there (Wretched Abyss) and I press E and it won't talk to him. I have uninstalled all my mods and tried it, and have gone back 10+ hours of saves and tried going through again, and it still does not work. Any tips?


Im having a similar problem, but with me, Septimus has already died and Hermaeus Mora or Wretched Abyss really is in the hallway and he wont talk. I press E to talk to him, and nothing happens

Edited by gaintsftw
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

While I was replaying the complete game once again, I got it too, but as mentionned by mindricofox:

The problem was solved by disabling more_travelers.esm, it seems we may enable it after the dialogue again without side effect on the rest of the quest.

From the above exchange, it seems that the issue comes from mods that are modifying dialogs, so if more_travelers.esm if not doing the trick for you, you may try to disable all your mods to see it comes from a conflict (and enable them again after passing the dialogs with daedric prince).

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