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compass remove


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I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understood your question.


You want to remove all that just for screenshots, right?


That being the case.... you can:


1) open the console by pessing ~

2) Type "tm" and hit enter


Everything will disapear... (Including the console prompt....)


Keep in mind that everything is still there.... only invisible.


Just open the console prompt again and retype "tm" to make everything appear again.


I hope this helps.

Edited by Sucrilhus
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compass change can be foud from my games/skyrim - SkyrimPrefs.ini search for bShowCompass=1 and change it to 0,

this function removes compass completely until you next time change it from ini or simply remove whole ini while fixing cache.


Another way is to use in game display options -> move hud visibility selection to far left, this hides whole hud for time to take those screen shots,

but still croshair is visbile if you havent unchecked it from options-> gameplay menu

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I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understood your question.


You want to remove all that just for screenshots, right?


That being the case.... you can:


1) open the console by pessing ~

2) Type "tm" and hit enter


Everything will disapear... (Including the console prompt....)


Keep in mind that everything is still there.... only invisible.


Just open the console prompt again and retype "tm" to make everything appear again.


I hope this helps.


Thank you, very sorry for my English

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