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using hair/head not intended for a specific race


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howdy ya'll. i was just curious.. i am trying apply a hairstyle intended for one of the children in emma's Children of Morrowind to my MCA 7.0 companion.. i would like to know how does CS designate hairstyles/ heads to specific races and is there a workaround in order to be able to apply said hairstyle to said companion?

race of hairstyle wanting to use: Breton_child

race of companion wanting to style of hair: Breton

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  • 4 months later...
Yes you can do this. But sometimes you will have poor results (like hair floating in the air above the head).

For what you need, you will have to tinker only with the hair models, and nothing else.

Morrowind stores the information about body models (including head and hairstyles) in the Data Files\Meshes\B folder. Take a look there.

I see you already have installed the races you want to mix.

For example:

B_N_Dark Elf_M_Head01.nif

B means body part

N means normal, not vampiric

Dark Elf is the race

M means it is for males

Head is the body part

01 is the first of more of the same type

Follow the steps:

1. First look at the hairstyles you want to us (Breton Child). Note the name of .NIF file, but DO NOT click on the model name.

2. After that what you have to do is to make a new ID, for example:

B_N_Breton_F_Breton Child_Hair01

now it will be:

B means body part

N means normal, not vampiric

Breton is the race

F means it is for females

Breton Child is the name of the race with the new hairstyle.

Hair is the body part we ant to use

01 is the first of more of the same type

3. Now for the model, use the .NIF file you noted at the first step.

4. Now save a test plugin, to check for clipping or other issues.

5. With the test plugin loaded in Morrowind, see what it looks like.

if you want to use a game in progress for that, use the command enableracemenu in the console.

6. Repeat this with all hairstyles you want to use, one at a time, because some will work, some will not, and you want to catch the culprit. If you load hundreds of hairstyles at once most likely you will not know which one it is.

7. With the hairstyles that work fine, make a new plugin to use in-game.

This should work with any race combination, even Bosmer heads and Nord hairs (but you will see the hair flying high above the PC's head). Or with Bosmer hairs and Nord heads, the hair will be somewhere inside the PC's body, instead covering the head.

Enjoy... :cool:
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