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Far Cry

Third-Person View


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Welcome to the Nexus, Far Cry enthusiasts! :D


The title says it all. I would love to see a mod that allows us to switch to a third-person view. I understand there are mechanics in the game that rely on first-person, but the mod could take that into consideration and switch to first-person when absolutely required by the game.


For those who can't stand a first-person viewpoint, a mod like this would open the game up to even more players.


Thank you for the consideration and happy modding! 8)

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Welcome to the Nexus, Far Cry enthusiasts! :D


The title says it all. I would love to see a mod that allows us to switch to a third-person view. I understand there are mechanics in the game that rely on first-person, but the mod could take that into consideration and switch to first-person when absolutely required by the game.


For those who can't stand a first-person viewpoint, a mod like this would open the game up to even more players.


Thank you for the consideration and happy modding! 8)


Really nice idea man!

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