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Tweaking a mod (for own use)


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Basically, I really like the look of a mod, but I'm not keen on the items it adds (the item-adding is a secondary function of the mod).


The mod is Requiem (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19281). For those who don't know it, it's an overhaul to give Skyrim more of an old-school RPG feel. One of it's features (a small part of it's general and much larger item and levelling changes) is that it adds a few weapons and armour to the game's level lists. The thing is, I'd rather prevent the mod from adding the new weapons, and some of the armour.


So basically, how would I tweak the mod so that these new weapons aren't added, without changing the effects of the mod itself? Would this be easy? I don't intend to ever release the change as my own mod, it's purely for my own use on my own Skyrim.


Thanks in advance for any help. I did ask on the mod's board, but the mod has had a lot of traffic lately (rightly so, it's a very promising-looking mod) and I think it got lost in the noise.

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I could believe it's as simple as loading it into CK, Checking what armors it adds and removing them from leveled lists.

However, remember to check there's SOMETHING on the list, otherwise you're likely to see naked bandits.


Nice, thanks. So, by the same logic, you could put things into the level lists, right? Anyway, thanks.

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